
On reducing rates of single tax from individual entrepreneurs and other physical persons

The Inspectorate of the Ministry for taxes and levies of the Republic of Belarus on Railway area of Gomel informs that on the basis of paragraph 3 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from April 24, 2020 No. 143 "On support of economy" (hereinafter – Decree No. 143) of the Gomel oblast Council of deputies decided on 10.06.2020 No. 183 "On reducing rates of single tax from individual entrepreneurs and other physical persons" (further – the Decision No. 183).

The solution for individual entrepreneurs and physical persons who are payers of single tax from individual entrepreneurs and other physical persons (further – the uniform tax), the single tax rate to be applied during the third quarter of 2020, reduced in 2 times.

At the same time, on the basis of explanations of the Ministry of taxes and tax collection of the Republic of Belarus to inform that the definition of individual entrepreneurs for the third quarter of 2020, a forty-multiple of the sum of the single tax under paragraph 14 of article 342 of the Tax code of the Republic of Belarus is based on the applied rates of the single tax without taking into account the reduced rates provided for in Decision No. 183.

Inspectorate reports that in accordance with sub-paragraph 2.7 paragraph 2 of the Decree No. 143 individual entrepreneurs who paid in 2020 the single tax from individual entrepreneurs and other physical persons shall be entitled in respect of activities that are object of the taxation the uniform tax to go from the 1st day of the calendar month 2020 to a different procedure of taxation subject to the conditions of its application.

Individual entrepreneurs who have expressed a desire to move in 2020 to the application of the simplified taxation system in accordance with the first part of this subparagraph shall from 1 St to 20 th day of the calendar month at which they begin applying in 2020 simplified system, to submit to the tax authority at the place of registration of the notification on transition to the simplified system with the date of transition.

The Inspectorate of the Ministry for taxes and levies of the Republic of Belarus on Railway area of Gomel