Gomel Palace and Park ensemble


Postal address: 246050, Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Lenin square, 4.
Phone: (0232) 74-95-61, 74-92-53, 74-19-11.


A 3D tour of the Gomel Museum

Currently, the state historical-cultural institution "Gomel Palace and Park ensemble" is one of the oldest and most authoritative museums of the Republic of Belarus. It consists of 6 objects and two branches.

Building institutions are the monuments of architecture XVIII-XIX centuries they are of historical and cultural values and included in the State list istoriko-cultural values protected by the state.

The Palace and Park complex includes : the Palace of Rumyantsev-Paskevich - an architectural monument of Russian classicism of the late XVIII - mid-XIX century, the tomb-chapel of the princes Paskevich - an architectural monument of the so-called neo-Russian style of the late XIX century, administration building, observation tower, Winter garden, an old Park - a monument of nature and landscape art of the mid XIX century. Museum state historical and cultural institutions are also the so-called "Hunting Lodge" - a monument of classicism architecture, urban mansion from the beginning of the XIX century and the manor house Halecki - a monument of architecture of the mid XIX century, the division of open storage of the Museum.

The main object of historical and cultural institutions - the Palace of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskeviches, which is the compositional center of the Gomel Palace and Park ensemble. It made a partial reconstruction of the interiors and exhibitions: historical and memorial devoted to the former owners of the Palace of Rumyantsev and Paskevich; "ritual objects from the Museum collection", which is the most valuable collection of icons of the Museum, "Mysterious fantasies of the sea"- exhibition of exotic marine organisms, amazing shells and corals, a temporary exhibition of the Museum's collections and other museums of the Republic, works of the artists from the Gomel region.

Branches - Memorial Museum of P. N. Of found in D. Lytvynovychi Korma district, division open storage of funds. in khal'ch of the Vetka district.

The Museum collection of the Gomel Palace and Park ensemble is one of the richest in the Republic of Belarus. Its collection contains over 220 thousand objects. The most interesting collections: the memorial things of the Paskevich family; archaeological, ethnographic and numismatic collection; collection of manuscripts and early printed books; religious items; marine organisms. A worthy place in the expositions and collections of the Museum occupy the materials on the outstanding statesmen, military leaders, representatives of science, culture, education, life and activities of which were connected with the history of the region.

A significant place in the Museum collections of archaeology, which presents materials from archaeological excavations in the region, the findings characterizing material culture of our ancestors found in D. Berdie Chechersky area and S. Yurovichi, Kalinkovichi district, Gomel region - the oldest known sites of the primitive man on the territory of Belarus. Along with more traditional exhibits are extremely rare. The pride of the Museum are the many individual finds from the period of Kievan Rus: the tip of the arrow and hanging the print with the signs of the princes of the Rurik dynasty, the treasure of the cervical hryvnia, fragment brigandine chain mail.

The pride of the book collection of the institution is the gospel of Piotr Mstislavets published in 1575. Many of the exhibits occupy a worthy place in the Museum Fund of the Republic of Belarus. Among them - a treasure of religious objects XVIII - XIX centuries, was found near Gomel in the territory of the former Senkovskogo monastery. He was given the status of historical and cultural value of the Republic of Belarus.

A collection of photographs describes historical events that took place on the territory of Gomel region in different periods. Of particular value are the memorials of the General aircraft designer P. O. Sukhoi, foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.

Contemporary fine art presents the works of artists and sculptors of the Gomel region and Belarus in General. Constant interest among visitors to the Museum cause by B. F. Vinogradskogo, V. F. Kozachenko, V. Tsvirko, N. To. Kazakevich, R. E. Lindeskog, D. I. Aleinik.

Unique are the items that belonged to the last owners of the Gomel estate. Despite the fact that this collection is small, it is the most significant in the Republic, as it gives the idea about the decoration of the richest manors of the late nineteenth century.

In the Central part of the Palace, the tower recreates the atmosphere of the past of the Palace interior, with its architectural splendor impresses the front hall of columns, elegant Red living room, the memorial hall receptions with portraits of historical persons from the Gomel region, lightness and elegance, Palace gallery. At the chamber concert hall - the former White living room, evenings and concerts, meetings with writers, artists culture and the arts. In the Northern projection an exhibition of a "Cult objects from the Museum collection", which presents the Museum's rarities.

In the tower of the Palace throughout its historical-memorial exposition "the Owners of the Gomel estate Rumyantsevy and the Paskeviches". The exhibition features original paintings, sculpture, artistic bronze, weapons, personal belongings, documents, photos, former owners of the Gomel Palace. The complexes exhibits allowed us to partially reconstruct the historic interior of the tower, to show the history of the Gomel Palace and Park, to discover the role of owners in shaping the new image of the city in the late XVIII - XIX century.

The chapel-burial vault of the princes of the region, built in 1870-1889 the Professor of architecture at the E. I. Chervinsky located on the territory of an ancient Park. Artistic and decorative works were supervised by S. I. Kindergartens. Chapel - tomb is a specimen of the so-called neo-Russian style in architecture with characteristic for this area features. Buried here are eight representatives of the genus Paskevich, among which General-field Marshal I. F. Paskevich and his wife E. A. Paskevich (nee Griboedov).

State historical-cultural institution "Gomel Palace-Park ensemble" takes a worthy place among cultural institutions of the Republic for nearly 90 years. As always its doors are wide open for those who are fascinated by the history, culture and art.


The Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace (Central Palace)
From 1 October to 30 April (winter) 10.00 - 18.00
From 1 may to 30 September (summer period) 11.00 - 19.00


Working days:
Tuesday-Friday 11.00-19.00
Saturday - Sunday 10.00-18.00
Day off: Monday

Exhibition "Fauna of the Gomel region" (exhibition hall in the North wing of the Palace) 10.00 - 18.00

The Central part of the Palace -Monday, Tuesday
The grotto (exhibition "Mysterious sea fantasies") -Monday, Tuesday
Exhibition "Fauna of the Gomel region" (administrative building) -Monday, Tuesday
The South tower of the Palace-Monday, Wednesday
"Hunting Lodge" -Monday, Wednesday
Museum of the history of the Gomel customs-Saturday, Sunday

Dear residents of Gomel and guests!

Previous generations have left us a rich heritage – Gomel Palace-Park ensemble. The leadership of the city and taken great effort to restore and bring to the proper aesthetic appearance.
For the purpose of preservation of unique monuments of history and nature administration agencies imposed rules of conduct on the territory of Palace and Park ensemble, the main of which is the prohibition on:
- unauthorized travel and Parking transport, Cycling;
- drinking of alcoholic beverages, beer and eating in our places;
- pollution of the territory;
- walking on the grass;
- the damage of green plantings, and other promotional objects;
- dog walking;
We remind You that the drinking of alcoholic beverages, or the appearance in the Park in a state of intoxication, offending human dignity and morality, entail imposition of a fine in the amount of up to eight basic units. Repeatedly committing this violation within one year after imposition of administrative penalty for the same violation shall entail imposing a fine in amount from two to fifteen basic units or administrative arrest (Art. 17.3 code of the Republic of Belarus on administrative offences).
Please be sensitive to these events and execute rules of conduct while visiting the Park and Museum objects. Only together we can preserve this beauty for posterity.