Phones "a Hot line"
Phones "a hot line":
"Hot line" of the Gomel city Executive Committee:
tel 75-52-92 weekdays: 08.30 to 13:00 and from 14.00 to 17.30
In accordance with the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from 23.07.2012 № 667 "About some questions of work with addresses of citizens and legal persons" citizens and legal persons referring to "hotline" organization on issues reference and Advisory nature, connected with its activities. Requests received during the "hot line", are not subject to registration.
"A single operational-dispatching service municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomel city housing and communal services" - multi-channel contact phone: 115 (for all issues of repair, maintenance of facilities, hot water and heating - in addition to emergency dispatch services CGROUP areas)
Municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomel city housing and communal services":
"hot line" on charges of housing and communal services:
phone 70 37 81 daily (except Sunday) from 8.30 to 20.00
Health care institution "Gomel Central city clinic":
tel: 58 41 25 every working day from 9.00 to 17.00
Establishment "Gomel city centre of hygiene and epidemiology":
on matters of food safety tel 25-49-19, 25-49-32
- prevention of infectious diseases tel 25-49-34
- security of drinking water, hygienic aspects of protection from pollution of water, soil – pH 25-49-27
- industrial hygiene and air protection tel 25-60-96
- compliance sanaperheita stay of children and adolescents in organized groups tel 25-62-94
- on the impact of electromagnetic and ionizing radiation on the human body, radiation safety tel 23-33-72
The Homel city socio-educational center:
tel 62 25 13 - around the clock
"Hotline" on prevention of family problems and social risk children:
daily from 19.00 to 21.00 phone: 62-25-13 and 62-37-83
Proposed questions for "the hot line" dispatching service of the city
- Water and sanitation:
- Municipal production unitary enterprise "gomelvodokanal" tel 60 85 42.
- Questions on garbage collection and sewage:
- COOP "Spetskommuntrans" tel 68 27 98.
- Questions on the content of Pets and the catching of stray animals:
- COOP "Spetskommuntrans" tel 68 27 98.
- Questions on outdoor lighting and illumination:
DCUP "Homelegance" - tel. 71- 71- 97.
- The issues of connection of electrical installations to electrical networks: branch of RUE "gomelyenergo" Gomel ES tel. 46-09-98;
- Questions on hot water supply and heating:
- Municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomelobltelecom" tel 57-64-93.
- The gas supply issues:
- LPA "Gameleiras" phone 104, 70-15-17