For appeals of legal entities For entity complaints ELECTRONIC APPEAL OF A LEGAL ENTITY must contain: full name of the legal entity and its location; statement of the essence of the appeal; surname, first name, patronymic (if any) or initials of the head or person authorized to sign appeals in the established manner; personal signature of the head or of the person authorized in the prescribed manner to sign appeals certified by the seal of the legal entity. All fields are required Where: * Gomel city executive committeeGomel City Council of DeputiesDepartment of Architecture and Urban PlanningDepartment of Labor, Employment and Social ProtectionDepartment of EducationLand managementFinancial managementDepartment of ideological work, culture and youth affairsDepartment of Sports and TourismMPUE "Gomel city housing and communal services"State Enterprise "MCD of the city of Gomel"State Institution "Gomel Central City Polyclinic" Full nameof the legal entity: * Organization Surname, first name middle name (if any) of the head or person authorized to established the procedure for signing appeals: * Full name Email Address: * Email Mailing addressof legal entity: * Postal address Message text (up to 1000 characters): * Message text Attach file (max 20 mb): File Submit