Talk with the government
Dear visitors of our site!
This section is designed to ensure that you had the opportunity to Express their wishes and proposals on the issues of the life of our city.
Messages of this section are not formal complaints and are not subject to review in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On citizens and legal persons".
Dear residents of Gomel! There is a special line of "SMS QUESTION" for subscribers of MTS and VELCOM short number 142.
Sending a message beginning with a code letter, You will receive a response to your concerns within 7 days.
For prompt consideration of the question, specify the code letter of the district in which You reside:
- "W" - for the residents of the Railway district
- "N" - for the residents of the Novobelitsky district
- "C" - for the inhabitants of the Soviet area
- "C" is for residents of the Central district
If your question requires a detailed study, it is recommended that you go to "E-applications", where you can leave your written request in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On citizens and legal persons".
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