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Dozens of offers of investment projects in the Gomel region on the international exhibition "Spring in Gomel"

Dozens of offers of investment projects in the Gomel region on the international exhibition "Spring in Gomel" in an online format. Proposals for investors are presented in such sectors as industry, energy, construction, agriculture, chemical industry, wood processing, trade and services, tourism, reports

As reported BelTA the regional Department of the BelCCI, one of the largest sections relates to the food sector. Among the proposed projects – creation of enterprise for processing of wild products on the territory of the Pripyat Polesie, as well as shock freezing of vegetables and fruits, construction of workshop for processing of pond fish, open bottling of drinking and mineral water, the cultivation of mushrooms and oyster mushrooms, the production of potato flakes. Among the proposals in different fields of industry – the establishment of production of handling robots for the automobile industry, high-tech medical equipment, the production of led products.

Proposed construction of a gypsum plant on the basis of Brinevskoye Deposit in the Petrikov district, the establishment of the soda ash production of EPS blocks of flax fiber, extraction and beneficiation of bentonite clay processing plant glass and molding Sands.

Several projects submitted to the unit for processing of secondary material resources. In the region relevant for the establishment of associations of processing rubber waste, construction of waste treatment plants, sorting stations, lines for processing of polymeric waste.

The room for initiatives in the field of agriculture. Investors are offered projects for the installation of lines for the production of certified seeds, construction of energy-saving greenhouses, construction of a plant for processing animal waste, the creation of berry farms with the cultivation of blueberry. From the exotic – the creation of farm snails of mixed type in Gomel area.

A large field for mutually beneficial projects openly in trade. Infrastructure in the district and Gomel can be part of roadside service, multi-functional commercial complexes and business centers.

Taken into account and the energy potential of the region. In the Gomel district offered to investors to create a plant for the Assembly of wind power plants in Svetlogorsk – implement a project for the generation of electricity from biogas. In Lelchitsy district, where 44 of peat deposits with total reserves to $ 166.5 million tonnes (or 20 percent of all stocks, Gomel region), it is possible to open a modern pellet production from peat.

Investment proposal tourism industry is also focused on domestic and foreign markets. One of them is the production of "House on wheels" in the Dobrush district – suggests the organization of mobile homes. For example, mobile homes and offices can be rented out for holiday period, to sell mobile square metres firms or citizens for recreation and festivals.

"Gomel statements"