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Gomselmash will conduct trials of new equipment

OAO Gomselmash will hold the test of the next series of developments, have informed correspondent BelTA in a press-service of the enterprise.

"Using the possibilities and potential of a powerful industrial base, the holding continuously improves, supplements and updates the product range. In the season 2020, the manufacturer has scheduled the tests the next series of development", - noted in the company.

This combine harvesters, half-track course of GLC-2-GLC and 1218Т-1624Т performance 18 and 24 tons per hour, respectively, combine with a hybrid type threshing and separating device KZS-3321КР (21T/h), rotary harvester KZS-1119Р (19 t/h) and has a single drum, KZS-1104К (4,3 - 5,7 t/h).

"Among the latest developments - the forage harvesting complex KVK-800A with the system of automated control of the process. The efficiency of the machine guarantee high quality folding Reaper coarse-stemmed plants crops a width of 4.5 m and three-meter pick-up with bezdorozhyu searching device, which are also being tested," - said the press service.

In test mode, the season 2020 will hold a new mobile energy facility MS-350. Powerful machine is aggregated wide-cut mowers, seeding units, cultivators, disc harrows and other large trailed and mounted equipment. All of this allows high performance to perform agricultural work of a significant volume. "The new generation Gomselmash universal energy resources, system equipped with a mapping of yield and has a high "intelligence", - said the company.

Universal and new self-propelled lawn mower KS-150R. It is equipped with a caterpillar, is equipped with a wide-cut rice and grain harvesters.

Holding "Gomselmash" is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery, included in number of leaders of the world market of harvesters and other complex agricultural machines. Under the brand of "Palesse" produces a range of grain and forage harvesters, Pachatkovaya and potato harvesters, mowers and other agricultural machinery. The harvester "Palesse" working in the fields of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Argentina, Brazil, China, the Republic of Korea, Baltic States. The company has a wide distribution network, joint ventures and Assembly plants.