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Exhibition "Spring in Gomel"

XXI international exhibition "Spring in Gomel" has been opened today in a new format - virtual. The program includes business meetings, holiday crafts and Gastrofest, reported to journalists the General Director of the Gomel branch of the BelCCI Marina Filonova, the correspondent of BelTA.

This year's "Spring in Gomel" is on the website Until June 10, this site will be the intersection of the economic interests of potential partners, investors and buyers from different countries. So, today the interest in it has shown more than 200 participants from 12 countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Slovakia, Serbia, Georgia, Germany, India, Lithuania.

Marina Filonova stressed the importance of international cooperation. And in this respect there is progress. An invitation to "Spring in Gomel" was attended by representatives of 13 of the chambers of Commerce, six free economic zones of different countries. This year joined a new company, which cooperate with the Gomel branch of the BelCCI, but for the first time.

Particularly said Marina Filonova Indian chamber of international business, whose representatives joined the event. The Gomel delegation signed the agreement and cooperation with our Indian colleagues during the summit of the partnership in the state of Maharashtra. Among the new participants - representatives of Economic chamber of Croatia (Zagreb chamber of Commerce).

A virtual version of the exhibition includes three main areas. "Business Spring" offers webinars, presentations, product and service companies, B2B talks online. "Tasty Spring" presents restaurants, cafes, bars and the retail trade. And "Gomel Spring" has become a place of creativity, where they present their work to the artisans.

One of the largest sites - the "Business Spring". Checked in here over a hundred participants represented more than ten industries. "Tried to accommodate participants by sector to make it easier to get the partners together. They are enterprises from different spheres of banking, insurance and legal companies that came out with us. Unfortunately, many foreign companies may not operate. However with some we keep in contact. Hope they will join us in June," said Marina Filonova.

On the website of the exhibition are business cards, advertising and commercial offers of enterprises and businesses. In a couple of clicks members can find contacts, deals, exits to the site, marketing service and guidance to prospective partners.

Today, there have been proposals for the organization of negotiations with Russian and Ukrainian companies. "And they both declared their interest, want to present themselves to our audience. Got the same offer from our side. We organize online meetings to promote our companies. To probe those areas that are relevant, does not interfere with the format. It just gives you the opportunity to create a visual, a picture," said Marina Filonova. In the Gomel branch of the BelCCI see the efficiency of the electronic platform and are confident that this is only the beginning.

Every once in may during the international exhibition in the city's best restaurants chefs create for our guests a gastronomic card. Decided to continue the tradition this spring. The organizers do not hide it translate to the online format of this field is not easy. "So we decided to support the organization of catering. After all, they were the first who suffered under the prevailing epidemiological situation. We have a very interesting cafes and restaurants that we can recommend to our foreign partners and guests. And we gave them the opportunity on our site for free to advertise themselves," said Marina Filonova.

This platform is not without interesting and useful meetings. So, tomorrow will be a webinar "the Transformation of the restaurant business: how the industry survives in the period of the pandemic." Experience will be shared by the representative of the Spanish restaurant business.

The same approach to the artisans. More than 70 masters have already posted their suggestions.

The exhibition is interactive, daily join new members, complemented by a programme of events, the information is constantly updated.

In 20 years of existence the exhibition "Spring in Gomel" became a visiting card of the Gomel region, the most significant event of the region, which involves the authorities of the city and region, members of the government, heads of diplomatic missions, chambers of Commerce and industry and business representatives. In 2019 the area over 5 thousand sq. m were products 300 Belarusian and foreign companies.

Traditionally, the event is organized by the Gomel office of the Belarusian chamber of Commerce and industry with the support of the Gomel oblast Executive Committee and the Executive Committee.