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Recommendations on organization of sanitary-anti-epidemic measures for prevention of Ari and coronavirus infection

Recommendations (with additions and changes from 10.04.2020)
on organization of sanitary-anti-epidemic measures for prevention of Ari and coronavirus infection to trade

Leaders and officials of objects to organize the following activities:

- it is necessary to place the dispensers with antiseptics indoors in the course of movement of visitors (at entrances and exits of stores, if possible, on the supporting columns of the building at the center of a trading hall is not used for storage of goods and other places), in lavatories for staff and visitors;

- to provide working places of cashiers preservatives in bottles with sprays of small volumes (pocket antiseptics), to oblige them to carry out antiseptic hand every hour;

- to designate the distance of 1.5 m in order to divide the buyers in areas of the checkout, in the shopping departments through the seller; cashiers, vendors, or other employees of the facility to monitor compliance by customers, the distance is 1.5 m;

- it is strongly recommended the wearing of masks and gloves for workers in contact with visitors;

- to ensure sufficient supply of gloves and masks for workers of objects of trade and public catering;

- to carry out washing hands, working personnel every 2-3 hours with subsequent antiseptical owner, equipped with sinks for hand-washing with antiseptic dispensers and liquid soap dispensers;

- to provide the morning filter the employees: if there are signs of colds (sore throat, runny nose, cough, temperature) to remove from work;

- if you have multiple cash registers to organize their work with alternating (one line);

- realization of food products by the method of self-service should be performed only in pre-Packed form, including food products, which can not wash and treat (sweets weight without the wrapper, biscuit wrapper, without the weight, etc.). Sell candy weight in the wrap method of self-service";

- to ensure the continued operation of the system of supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical drive, as well as ventilation every hour for 10 minutes;

- to carry out cleaning of sales areas with a disinfectant at least three times a day for viral mode to create a stock of disinfectants for 1 month;

- to carry out disinfection by spraying from mechanical dispensers doors and handles every three hours;

- treat every three hours with a disinfectant carts and baskets for customers, storage for belongings of customers, the keys to the storage chambers;

- when choosing disinfectants to prefer dissectum with a short validity period for viral mode (10 minutes);

maxpedition food products to ensure the change of sanitary clothes daily;

-mV cars transporting food products, have antiseptic for skin, antiseptic wet wipes.

Advice on the conduct of disinfection measures can be obtained in GU "Gomel regional center for preventive disinfection" on the phone 25 21 83 29 58 18 (each).