Architectural and planning Bureau
The municipal unitary enterprise "Architectural and planning Bureau of the Department of architecture and urban planning"
Obtained certificate of compliance to perform:
1. engineering surveys for the construction of first to fourth classes of complexity:
1.1. work as part of engineering surveys.
2. Development of preliminary (pre-investment) documentation (category 3);
3. Development of sections of project documentation for the construction of first to fourth classes of complexity:
3.1. General plan and transport;
3.2. architectural solutions;
3.3. technological solutions;
3.4. environmental protection, engineering and technical measures of civil defense, prevention of emergency situations, ensuring fire safety, construction organization plan.
4. The construction of first to fourth classes of complexity:
4.1. geodetic works.
5. Execution of works on inspection of buildings and structures.
Working time-from 8-30 to 17-30 lunch from 13-00 to 14-00
G. Gomel, Proletarskaya St., 43
telephone reception 535772
Head: Gusakova Natalia
tel. 535,763 kab.№3
hours from 8-30 to 17-30
a lunch break from 13-00 do14-00.
Receiving daily
The Department of training permits
Work performed:
- Preparation of draft decisions of the city Council;
- Collection of technical conditions for the design.
Head of Department: Artemenko Ekaterina
tel 536198 KAB.№21
Division of engineering-geodetic works
Work performed:
- The transfer in nature of basic axes of buildings and constructions, engineering networks, the transfer in nature of the baselines and the establishment of horizontal and vertical geodetic network.
- Performing engineering surveys (topographic survey).
- Preparation of reports for the registration of land plots.
- Manufacturer schemes for draft decisions of Executive Committee and coordination with concerned organizations of the city.
- The results of the tasks on production of topographic-geodetic and engineering-geological works, delivery of information on materials of engineering surveys (copies of topolnikov).
Head of Department: Sergey E. I.
535225 tel KAB. No. 24
Department of design works
Work performed:
- Preparation of architectural planning assignment;
- Production of passports painting of facades;
- Manufacturer of architectural projects of individual houses;
- Development planning schemes;
- Development of sketches of input groups;
- The architectural project of the land development;
- A General survey of buildings and structures;
- Development of sections of building (architectural) projects of reconstruction, modernization of buildings (premises);
- Development of preliminary (pre-investment) documentation;
Development of sections of project documentation:
- Thermal renovation of buildings (insulation of modern materials) ;
- Overhaul and repair of flat roll roofing;
- Reinforcement of building structures of buildings and structures on the basis of technical opinions;
- Completed the replacement of window and door openings;
- The device of ventilated facades with decoration stoneware tiles, metal siding.
- Finishing the interior of buildings and structures;
- Underground and aboveground heating (building the part);
- Redevelopment of premises (structural part);
- Inspection of a technical condition of building structures to register for the "State Agency for state registration of buildings and land cadastre".
Head of Department: Kulish Galina
tel 535841 KAB. No. 19