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Bzhd will send the first new year Express to the estate of Santa Claus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on December 24

The Belarusian railway will send the first new year's Express this season to the estate of Santa Claus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on December 24, BelTA learned from the press center of the Belarusian Railways.

The second new year's train will depart on January 6, 2021. If the service is in demand, additional Express trains will also be launched on December 26, 2020, and January 2 and 8, 2021.

From the Minsk - station, the Passenger train will depart at 21: 58 and arrive in Brest the next morning at 7.50, from where tourists will be taken by bus to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Guests will spend the whole day there.

The new year's train will leave for the capital from Brest at 17.28 and arrive in Minsk at 22.19. On the way, passengers will meet with the railway Santa Claus and his assistant.

As noted in the bzhd, all necessary measures will be taken to prevent viral infections during the trip. In particular, before departure, the train will be cleaned with disinfectants, passengers on the way will be able to buy medical masks.

The cost of the new year's train tour in a compartment car for an adult is Br110, for children from 10 to 13 years (inclusive) - Br106,for children from 6 to 10 years (inclusive) - Br87, 9,for children under 5 years (inclusive) - Br80, 90 (with a seat).

Detailed information is available on the website of the Belarusian Railways.