The dispatching office-115
Operational management Troubleshooting and accidents occurring in a city-wide system engineering-transport maintenance of objects of industrial and civil purposes.
Carrying out organizational activities to ensure the timely beginning of works on liquidation of accidents and malfunctions at the facilities of housing, social facilities, heat, water, gas, electricity, sanitation, urban public transport, road and bridge maintenance, external lighting, elimination of the sites of the city emergency situations arising from natural disasters, technogenic and social disasters.
Collection, processing and transmission of information to the leadership of the Gomel city Executive Committee and the municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomel city housing and communal services" the status of stability and safe operation of municipal facilities, the threat occurrence and resulting emergency situations and other operational information.
Municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomel city housing and communal services" informs the "Unified dispatcher service" on the multi-channel short number 115.
Additional city number 22 49 18.
To use this service possible not only from a landline, but mobile operators Velcom, MTS and life.
The dispatching office works round the clock without weekends and lunch breaks.