Preliminary results: Lukashenko - 80,23%10 August 2020As the preparation meeting of the CEC after the elections, the voting data will be updated.More
In Gomel oblast the elections were held - Yermoshina9 August 2020In the region voted 54.44% of the voters. The turnout in the country amounted to 41.7%.More
Voter turnout over the four days of early voting made up 32.24%8 August 2020According to the Central Commission, in the Gomel region voted 42,72% of voters from total number on the lists by region.More
Voter turnout for the three days of early voting made up 22.47%7 August 2020According to the Central Commission, in the Gomel region voted 30,22% of voters from total number on the lists by region.More
Voter turnout in two days of early voting accounted for 12.75%6 August 2020According to the Central Commission, in the Gomel region voted 16,44% of voters from total number on the lists by region.More