Barrier-free environment
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus guarantees everyone the right to work, to leisure, to education, to participation in cultural life, to freedom of movement.
The state program on creation of barrier-free living environment for physically disabled persons for 2011-2015 was developed in accordance with the main directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and to the development of the State program on barrier free environment for physically disabled persons for 2007-2010, approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 3 April 2007, No. 424 State programme aimed at implementing the provisions of the laws of the Republic of Belarus of 11 November 1991 "About social protection of invalids in the Republic of Belarus" dated 5 July 2004 "On architectural, urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus" and of 23 July 2008 "On prevention of disabilities and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities", as well as resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 21, 2005 of No. 673 "On approval of the additional measures for creation of barrier free environment for persons with disabilities, providing them free access to public transport, places of study, work, rest".
The state program provides a comprehensive approach to the issues of elimination of natural, information, communication and architectural barriers that impede access to social and other infrastructure and the free movement of persons with disabilities.
Pursuant to paragraph 2 of the State programme on creating a barrier-free living environment for physically disabled persons for 2011-2015, we offer email addresses and links to public organizations of disabled persons, which developed illustrated manuals containing normative legal acts regulating the issues of creating a barrier-free environment.
Mozyr interregional public organization "Republican Association of wheelchair users" on the site posted General information about the disability in barrier-free habitat and on the website illustrated reference manual "Accessible environment for disabled people".