Attention the unemployed


The LAW of the Republic of BELARUS of July 18, 2016 № 409-Z "About modification and additions in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On employment of population of the Republic of Belarus"

The possibility of implementation in the Republic of Belarus by physical persons of activities without registering as business entities


The Department of labour, employment and social protection at the Homel city Executive Committee is to assist the unemployed in entrepreneurial activities in the form of organizational and methodological support and financial support.

The grant is in the amount of 11 times the value of minimum subsistence level on average per capita on the date of the conclusion of the grant.

A preferential right to receive subsidies are unemployed persons, who are unable to obtain suitable work and organizing significant types of business activities.

Provided the unemployed a subsidy can be used to purchase equipment, tools, machinery, raw materials, payment of services, and for other purposes related to the organization of business activities. inquiries by phone 75 76 33


Every year the management together with the departments of formations of the district administrations of Gomel, is the organization of temporary employment of students in their free time (hereinafter – temporary youth employment). Temporary employment is available for young people aged 14 years and older, with the aim of familiarizing young people to socially useful work, acquiring work skills, adaptation to employment, preparation for independent access to the labour market, improvement of material well-being, as well as prevention of offences.

The organization of temporary employment of students in their free time and during summer vacation lasts all year round from January to December.

Priority for temporary employment are orphans, young people from families of the unemployed, incomplete and large families, dysfunctional families, and youth who are registered in commissions on minors ' Affairs.

Conducted repairs of school furniture, books, manufacturer: easels and cubes for exhibition contractors, stands under folders, benches, decorative fence, benches, frames for the exhibition of works, making tablecloths and napkins.

Attention unemployed and unemployed citizens of the city!

The branch "Management of construction of "Belarusian NPP" RUE "belenergostroy" are required:

slingers, roofers, installers of building structures, steel fixers, concrete workers, carpenters and concrete workers of the 3rd category.

Work in shifts (15 calendar days).

Salary of 600 rubles.

To go from 8.00 to 17.00 by phone:

80159-172-101, 8033-348-8932

Attention the unemployed!

SOOO the "Altersteiner" requires:

Operator forming-packing machine the molding Assembly aluminum profile

Contact us by phone 80232-991-978