Calendar of events – 2019



Name of event, brief description



1 January

Festive concert program

Lenin square, concert halls of city

2 - Jan 7

New year's representation. Performance "adventures of smiley", "About the Wolf and the Fox and the incident in the woods."

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"

12 Jan

A great Christmas concert.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"

1-13 Jan

Christmas events: children's parties, mass celebrations, balls, carnivals, holiday parties, lights

Gomel district courts


Solemn events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic

Gomel, Gomel district,


Concert program concert of the brass band in the city of Gomel "Christmas jazz".

GU "Gomel regional drama theatre"


Christmas improvisation with "Vasabi Jazz".

Gomel Palace and Park ensemble


Tournament on sports ballroom dances "Winter waltz". the website

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"


"Holy images": woodcarving exhibition of carved icons of Vladimir Mikhailovich Kuklin.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


"Under the blue sky" – painting exhibition by Olga Kopacheva in the framework of the project "Exhibition space for the young".

Central city. A. I. Herzen


Exhibition of creative works of pupils of preparatory group.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Christmas tale for students of institutions of secondary education, pupils of preschool institutions, their parents and residents of the neighborhood Kostyukovka.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


15 Feb

A solemn meeting, laying flowers and wreaths and other events dedicated to Day of memory of soldiers-internationalists and the 30th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan

Gomel (monument to fallen soldiers - internationalists, Lubensky district)

17 Feb

Festivities Mardi Gras

celebration venues in the districts of Gomel

22 Feb

The play "One absolutely happy village", devoted to Day of Defenders of Fatherland.

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"

22 Feb

The actions devoted to Day of Fatherland defenders and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus


24 Feb

"Winter music" is an annual ensemble festival and mass bands.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"


International festival of snow sculptures in Gomel.

Se "the Museum of the city of Gomel"

February 9-10

4th Gomel international Festival of light GOLF

KSK Republican unitary enterprise "Gomel branch of Belarusian railway"

February – March

Master classes "Postcard to daddy", "Flowers for mom".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"



Country tavern "BUDMA"


"Rasmalai sa me PA-Belarusian!" campaign for International mother language day.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"

February Exhibition of traditional national dress from the personal collection of Alexander Nikitin in the framework of the project "Exhibition space for the young" for the year of the small country. Central city. A. I. Herzen


Concert of chamber ensemble "classic" in the framework of the project "Music gives health". The project is organized by SE "the Gomel city orchestras".

Gomel regional clinical hospital


Exhibition of works by students grades 2-5 on February 23.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Exhibition of works of pupils of 1-7 classes on Shrove Tuesday.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"

February – March

City photo contest "In the frame – Heranca" in two nominations: professionals, Amateurs

Central city. A. I. Herzen


1 Mar

The anniversary party "15 moments of spring" people's Amateur collective of Republic of Belarus "home Association "Art cafe on Irininskaya street"".

GU "City cultural center"

6 Mar

Women's day


March 15

Themed events, dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus


March 15

School of patriotism "We are citizens of Belarus!".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"

19-21 March

"Crash, stop!" - play according to the rules of road safety.

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"

23 Mar

City children's open competition of ceramics. The competitive program is the state educational INSTITUTION "Children's art school of the arts in the city of Gomel".


GU "City cultural center"

25-March 31

The week of children and youthful book.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"

27 Mar

"Do You love theatre?" - the theatrical skit, dedicated to the International Day of theatre.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"

29 Mar

The premiere of "the Stormy life of Lasik Boitshwarelo", a play dedicated to the life and history of the city of Gomel.

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"


20 years of national Amateur collective of Republic of Belarus "Ensemble of variety dance "Kind."

GU "City cultural center"


Concert in the framework of the joint project goo of the Republican public Association "Belaya Rus" and GU "Gomel city orchestras" – "Rhythms of the planet" performed by concert wind orchestra of the city of Gomel.

Venue TBC


A series of events and exhibitions for the International day against drug abuse and drug trafficking.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


A series of events and exhibitions to the Day of Orthodox book.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


A series of events and exhibitions for the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


Exhibition-Vernissage of the photo contest "In the frame Garanca".

Central city. A. I. Herzen


Exhibition of works (paintings, models) of the students of the Belarusian state University of transport for world cat day (March 1) in the framework of the project "Exhibition space for the young".

Central city. A. I. Herzen


City competition of decorative-applied art "Colorful planet" (in the framework of urban art festival "rainbow talent".

SEE "DSHI №3 Gomel"


Concert dedicated to the International women's Day "Music of spring".

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Exhibition of works by students in grades 1-7, on International women's Day March 8 "Ball of flowers".

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Exhibition of works of pupils of preparatory group and grades 3-7, the anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"

March – April

The final of the contest "the Best reader of children's books by 2018".

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"



The day of unity of peoples of Belarus and Russia

Cultural institutions of Gomel

10 APR

"Belarus – may song" - lecture-concert dedicated to the memory of Belarusian composers Igor Luchenok, Vladimir Olovnikov and Eugene Glebov.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"

April – September

City III multidisciplinary creative festival-competition "pool of talent" (the summing up in the city Day).

GU "City cultural center",

square Gromyko

April – may

A series of events and exhibitions in the framework of the XVI city festival of Easter.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


The final gala concert of the joint project of "yuzik Up Center" and GU "Gomel city orchestras" – "Sing with the orchestra." Concert brass band in the city of Gomel.

Venue TBC


Ecological action "the Hand of friendship – the nature of" the day of the Chernobyl accident.

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"


A series of events and exhibitions for the Day of unity of peoples of Belarus and Russia.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


"Art space of the library" – jubilee exhibition-the Vernissage of the Gomel artists.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


"Together for life" campaign honoring the readers of the 100th anniversary of the Foundation of the library.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


"100 years for the benefit of the enlightenment" – a ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the library

Central city. A. I. Herzen


XIII international competition "guitar Renaissance-2019".

GU "City cultural center"


Exhibition of works of pupils of 1-7 classes "on the eve of Holy Easter".

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Concert for younger students of institutions of General secondary education "are music and children."

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Exhibition of works by students in grades 1-7, devoted to anniversary of accident on the Chernobyl NPP "Earth under white wings".

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


School contest for young singers "Nightingale".

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Summary concert of the school.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


May 1

Mass events dedicated to the celebration of Trades

In Gomel – opening of the fountain season

Gomel, concert venues in the districts of Gomel

May 8-9

A solemn meeting, laying flowers and wreaths, parades, other events, dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the Victory in the great Patriotic war (according to separate plan)

Gomel, concert venues in the districts of Gomel

May 12

Solemn event dedicated to the Day of State emblem and State flag of the Republic of Belarus

Gomel, Lenin square

May 12

"When I'm a cloud", the show dedicated to the Victory Day.

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"

May 16

A festive event "birthday Art League". 10 years since the Foundation.

GU "City cultural center"

31 June

Open competition of drawings of children with disabilities "Colors of my world".

Center of inclusive culture

May – September

Cultural and educational history project for the year of the small Motherland "Gomel is in my heart".

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


The night of museums.

Se "the Museum of the city of Gomel"


Big concert of the symphonic orchestra of the city of Gomel to the Victory Day may 9 – "victory Music".

Venue TBC


Graduation balls for 4 classes. the website -dlya-4-kh-klassov">

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"


Tournament on sports ballroom dances "Our waltz dedicate the victory!".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"


A series of events and exhibitions for the Day of Victory.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"


A series of events and exhibitions to the Day of State emblem and State flag of the Republic of Belarus.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


An exhibition of photographs from the collection of Alexander Vesnina to a Year in a small country.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


The photo exhibition of Oleg Belousov "My 90s" in the framework of the project "Live autograph"

Central city. A. I. Herzen


Exhibition of works by students grades 1-5 "war Heroes. dedicated."

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


"Talents and admirers" - reporting concert of the school.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"


1 Jun

Festive events devoted to Day of protection of children

Gomel, concert venues in the districts of Gomel

1 Jun

Project for children and their parents "Bureau boring weekend."

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"

1 Jun

L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" - performance of graduates of the theater Department.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"

22 Jun

The meeting-Requiem dedicated to the Day of national memory of victims of the great Patriotic war

Gomel, Truda square

30 June

Festive events devoted to Day of youth

Gomel, the area near the Ice Palace, a concert venue in the areas of Gomel

3 decade

The action "Belaya Rus under the white wing"

The monument to Komsomol members of the Gomel region who died during the great Patriotic war


Concert Symphony orchestra of the city of Gomel "World soundtrack – 4".

KSK Republican unitary enterprise "Gomel branch of Belarusian railway"


A series of events and exhibitions for International children's day.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


Exhibition of children's drawings for the International children's day

Central city. A. I. Herzen


The photo exhibition of Sergey Ivanov (5 June, world environment day) to a Year in a small country.

Central city. A. I. Herzen

June – August

Plein air "You are my home, you are my shore – my Belarus".

Yanka Kupala Park


2-3 July

Solemn events dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus a solemn meeting, laying flowers and wreaths, parades. concerts.

The action "let's Sing the anthem together".

Gomel, the area near the Ice Palace, a concert venue in the areas of Gomel

3 Jul

The concert program "Maya crane".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"

6-7 July

Midsummer celebrations

areas of Gomel

10 -14 July

Eleventh Open festival of humour and satire "White Crow".

Center of inclusive culture

"Bay captains"


A series of events and exhibitions to the independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


The district holiday "kupalye"

District Lubensky;

Cascade lakes in Makaenka str


Theatrical festival

"Neptune Day"

Navabelitski beach


18 Aug

Holiday "Apple spas"

Gomel, Soviet district, ring road "trade equipment"

18 Aug

Traditional meeting of former partisans and underground fighters at the memorial complex "guerrilla Crynychka"

Gomel, Gomel district, memorial complex "guerrilla Crynychka"


1 Sep

Festive events dedicated to the Day of knowledge (on a separate plan)

Gomel, Gomel district,

2 Sep

The day of open doors "We are a young and talented!".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"

5 Sep

Evening – presentation of the school for children and adults

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"

6 Sep

"Cat house". The performance and action of the Gomel city Executive Committee "Theater first".

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"

9-15 September

Week of libraries.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


The day of the city

Areas of the city


Festival of family and neighbourhood "Family Fest-2019".

The Stadium Of Luch


Concert dedicated to the opening of the season of GU "Gomel city orchestras".

Venue TBC


Exhibition on the results of the project "Gomel is in my heart".

Central city. A. I. Herzen


In the framework of the city Day:

- III open festival of street art "On one wave";

- III open festival of wine-growers "Bunches of Gomel-2020".,

Open areas of the city


"Library night" − an annual event in support of reading, dedicated to the Day of libraries.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"


A series of events and exhibitions to the Day of Belarusian written language.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel"

September </p>

Events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the library-branch №8 im. K. Turovsky.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"

Branch №8


Concert to the Day of older persons "can have value if you are young at heart person."

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


1 Oct

Outdoor festival "We the – never mind"

GU "City cultural center"

3 Oct

A joint creative project in honor of anniversaries – 60 years of the people's Amateur collective of Republic of Belarus "Chorus of veterans of war, labour and armed Forces," the 35th anniversary of the Folk Amateur collective of Republic of Belarus "folk instruments".

GU "City cultural center"

13 Oct

A festive concert dedicated to the "Mother's Day".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"

14 Oct

Festive events dedicated to mother's Day

Gomel, Gomel district,

25 Oct

"The history of theatre to see, don't you?" - open day in the theater Department.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"


DANCE JAM in honor of the 25th anniversary of the folk Amateur collective of Republic of Belarus ", the Group of modern choreography "Quad".

GU "City cultural center"



GU "City cultural center"


A concert of jazz music performed by the concert orchestra of the city of Gomel.

GU "Gomel regional drama theatre"


Jubilee exhibition of works by Arseny Mikhailovich Doronin.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


Exhibition of paintings by Alla Bankrashkov (straw).

Central city. A. I. Herzen


A series of events and exhibitions for mother's Day.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"


The premiere of "the Little Prince".

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"


"Library. People. Years. Life" ─ a solemn event.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"

Branch №3


Exhibition of works of pupils of preparatory group and grades 1-2 "Beloved mother dedicate".

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


7 Nov

The October revolution day

Gomel, Lenin square

14 Nov

Charity campaign "just Do good" to mark the world day of kindness.

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"

16 Nov

International students ' day

The ceremony

The monument to Komsomol members of the Gomel region who died during the great Patriotic war

22 Nov

II Republican children's contest of beauty and creativity "Little miss little DEAF and mister DEAF" to deaf people.

Center of inclusive culture

26 Nov

The 76th anniversary of the liberation of Gomel from German fascist invaders

Festive events

Areas of the city


Forum classical music

Orchestras in the halls of HCC, College Sokolowski


Regional festival of Patriotic songs and art the word "Legendary story", dedicated to 75-th anniversary of liberation of Gomel from German fascist invaders

place to be confirmed

III decade

Open Malesevska reading

Gymnasium №36 Gomel to them. I. Melezh

November – December

Forum classical music Symphony orchestra of the city of Gomel.

Venue TBC


Open international folklore festival "PRAMEN".

GU "City cultural center"


12 city children's contest of artistic skill and grace of "Small Gomel 2020".,

GU "City cultural center"


The library section within the framework of the XXV Cyril and Methodius readings.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"


A series of events and exhibitions for the world day of the child

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"


A series of events and exhibitions to the Day of liberation of Gomel from Nazi invaders.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"


Exhibition of works by Igor Hajkova (23 November as the international day of watercolor) to the Year of native land.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


Exhibition of works by students grades 1-5, devoted to Day of liberation of Gomel.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Poster exhibition students in grades 3-7, is devoted to AIDS prevention: "My choice is HEALTH."

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"


Contest of art works "...And the memory of the heart speaks."

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"


The city competition of performers on folk instruments "melodies of autumn" in the framework of urban art festival "rainbow talent".

SEE "Children's art school №7 of the city of Gomel"



Christmas and new year events

(according to separate schedule)

Areas of the city

14 - December 30

Christmas village "Babbuino".

Country tavern "BUDMA"

19 - 21 Dec

Christmas party for children 5 – 10 years.

SEE "DSHI No. 5 city of Gomel"


Children's new year performances.

The state establishment "Palace of culture "the village"


Commemorative event dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the opening of the state institution "Palace of culture "Festivalny".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"


Christmas events: children's parties, holiday parties, mass celebrations, lights.

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"


Premiere of new year's performance.

Po TZU "Gomel state puppet theatre"


A series of events and exhibitions for the world day of fight against AIDS.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"


Exhibition of works and awarding of participants of the III festival-competition of children's art "I want to create a miracle!" Secondary school №19.

Central city. A. I. Herzen


Exhibition of works of pupils of 1-7 classes "a Wonderful Christmas" and the Christmas concert.

SEE "DSHI №4 Gomel"

During the year

"Battle of minds" - a series of thematic intellectual and entertaining games to minors.

GU "City cultural center"

During the year

The project "Evening of national cultures".

GU "City cultural center"

During the year

Games "KVN".

GU "City cultural center"

During the year

Exhibition of folk art Studio and art Studio "Aquarelles".

The state establishment "Palace of culture "Festivalny"

During the year

Comedy in the style of del Arte "Chest Signorini Dulcinea". Folk theatre "Dctest".

Areas of the city

During the year

Project literary study of local lore "Gomelski pcmenc Desant" (Meetings with writers).

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"

During the year

"Belarusian psyment of jetsam" − a series of activities to introduce children to the Belarusian books.

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel"

During the year

"Writer's Cabinet" − constantly operating exposition.

Central city. A. I. Herzen

During the year

Literary salon "Meetings at the Castle".

Central city. A. I. Herzen

During the year

The project "Tales of light and shadow" − performances of shadow theater.

Central city. A. I. Herzen

During the year

International project "Literature without borders". The cooperation of the Central city library. A. I. Herzen and Ulyanovsk Central city library.

Central city. A. I. Herzen

During the year

The Museum of folk life. Interactive tours of the Museum. The project "link of Times".

Se "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel" branch №2

During the year

Cooperation project GU "a Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel" and the St. Petersburg state budgetary institution of culture "Centralized library system, Krasnoselsky district".

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel", branch №4, 10

During the year

International project "Let's be friends literatures". Library-branch №16 GU "a Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel" and Magnitogorsk Central children's library them. N. G. Kondratkovskaya.

Se "the Network of public libraries of the city of Gomel", branch №16