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The composition of the standing committees of the city Council

The COMPOSITION of the standing committees of the Gomel city Council of deputies of the twenty-eighth convocation

For mandates, parliamentary ethics, law, law enforcement and local government:

Prus Michael Yul'evich, Director of the municipal housing repair and maintenance unitary enterprise "Soviet", the Belarusian electoral district No. 24, Chairman of the standing Committee;

Gorelikov Alexander Anatolyevich, head of training joint stock company "gomeloblavtotrans", Khmelnitsky electoral district № 25;

Gulevich, Oleg Mikhaylovich, head of Department of industrial processing of open joint stock company "Gomelsteklo", kostyukovskiy electoral district # 4;

Ignatenko Olga, a lawyer of limited liability company "Ekologika", Medical electoral district # 31;

Murashko Ekaterina Maksimova, head of the Department of registration of acts of civil status of the administration of the Novobelitsky district of Gomel, Sevastopol electoral district No. 16;

Nilov, Dmitry Georgievich, senior lecturer in law and economic theories of the educational establishment "Belarusian trade and economic University of consumer cooperation", azure electoral district # 30;

Samoum Yuriyfirst Vice-rector of educational establishment "Belarusian state University of transport", Kurchatov election district No. 7;

Shutov Victor Filippovich, Director of the branch "Gomel car Park No. 26" the open joint stock company "gomeloblavtotrans" Nonresident electoral district # 8.

On industry, construction, transport and municipal property:

Pochinok Mikhail Mikhailovich, Director of the branch "Gomel heat networks" of the Gomel Republican unitary enterprise of electric power "gomelyenergo", the Moscow election district No. 21, Chairman of the standing Committee;

Zhidkov Oleg Nikolaevich, the General Director of joint venture of open joint stock company "Spartak", the Olympic constituency No. 40;

Lumps Sergey Yuryevich, Director of the open joint stock company "8 March", Aviation constituency # 34;

Korotchenko Gennady Vasilyevich, the General Director of open joint stock company "Gomeldrev", Cenkowski election district No. 17;

Levinsky Igor Anatolievich, Director of the branch "Gomel production management Republican production unitary enterprise "Gomeloblgas", Rechitsa electoral constituency No. 26;

Alexander Novikov, Director for development of LLC "Metallstroy", Selmashevsky electoral district # 10;

Fesenko, Vladislav Alexeyevich, Director of the joint limited liability company "PSM – Hydraulics RB", Engineering electoral district # 11.

Of social Affairs and youth Affairs:

Kozlov Gennadiy Vasil'evich, Director of educational establishment "Gomel state College automotive", work of the electoral district No. 9; chair of the standing Committee

Akulenko V. L., rector of the state educational institution "Gomel regional Institute of education development", Youth electoral district No. 2;

Volkova Yulia Alexandrovna- senior lecturer of the Department "Economics" educational establishment "Gomel state technical University named after P. O. Sukhoi", Oktyabrsky electoral district # 28;

Dmitrieva Natalya Vladimirovna, head of the branch №2 of the state health care institution "Gomel Central city clinic" Leszczynski electoral district № 23;

Svetogor Nikolai Sergeyevich, first Secretary of the Gomel city organization of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican youth Union", the Gagarinsky constituency No. 32;

Solodka Tatyana Ivanovna, head doctor of state health care institution "Gomel Central city children's clinical hospital", Katevasti electoral district No. 35;

Old-Pavel Anatolievich, Deputy head of Department for sports and tourism of the Gomel regional Executive Committee, Borodino electoral district # 37.

Chechik Igor Anatolievich, Director of the state scientific institution "Institute of radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", Sviridovskiy electoral district # 1.

On budget and socio-economic development:

Lyashenko Andrey Vladimirovich, adviser of General Director of the unitary enterprise VELCOM, Bryansk electoral district # 38, Chairman of the standing Committee;

Vlasova Tatyana Makeyeva, Director of the state institution "the Network of public libraries in the city of Gomel", Chechersk electoral district # 39;

Generalova Irina Anatolievna, head of the Department of labor and wages, open joint stock company "Gomselmash", Chapaevskaya electoral district №12;

Konopacki Alexander Nikolaevich, head of Department for ideological work of the Department on work with staff of the open joint stock company "Gomselmash", Efremov electoral district No. 14;

Narkevich Nina Andreevna, Director General of the open joint stock society "Trade house "Rechitsa", Yaroslavl electoral district # 20;

Reznikov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Director of the open joint stock company "Medplast", the Youth constituency No. 29.

Khudyakov Ivan Aleksandrovich, chief doctor of the state health care institution "Gomel city clinical hospital №3", the southern electoral district # 19.

Housing and communal services and ecology:

Coulagot Viktor, General Director of the municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomel city housing and communal services" Anniversary election district No. 3, Chairman of the standing Committee;

Golubev, Alexander Mikhailovich, head of the Gomel city and district inspection of natural resources and environmental protection, Polesie electoral district No. 6;

Subiaco Vladislav Anatolievich, Director of the open joint stock company "Kirmash", Minsk electoral district №22;

Kabzar Andrey Fedorovich, head of the economic Department of open joint stock company "Gomel chemical plant", the Festival of the electoral district No. 27;

Hook Dmitry Razumovich, Deputy Director for improvement and maintenance of houses municipal housing repair and maintenance unitary enterprise "Central", holovatsky electoral district № 36;

Sedov Alexander Grigoryevich, the Director of the municipal production unitary enterprise "gomelvodokanal", Malashkovsky electoral district # 5.