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In the Alley of Heroes was held a solemn meeting devoted to the Independence Day

At the memorial complex "Alley of Heroes" held a meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus and the 76th anniversary of the liberation of our country from Nazi invaders. Participation in it took the leadership of the city and region, veterans of the great Patriotic war and labor, former prisoners, partisans and underground fighters, home front workers, senior citizens, military units, representatives of labor collectives and public organizations, reports

Words of congratulations and gratitude was expressed by the Chairman of the Gomel city Executive Committee Piotr Kirichenko:
–We recall the heroism of soldiers-liberators. And our memory is a sacred duty to all those who with their lives gave us the right to a bright future.


Today, decades later, it is necessary to preserve this priceless gift – the independence of our country. A country with such a rich and difficult history. Each year we bow our heads at the memorial sites and say thank you to those who fought and liberated Belarus. Those who restored it from the ruins and built a peaceful life. Thanks to you, dear veterans, we have the opportunity to live and work.


With the approaching momentous event, residents congratulated the participant of the great Patriotic war, honorary veteran of the Gomel regional veteran organization Alexey Pimonov. From the perspective of young people was made by the winner of the regional stage of the national project "100 ideas for Belarus", the award winner of Gomel regional Executive Committee, student University them. P. O. Sukhoi Margarita Kravchenko.


The event ended with laying flowers to the memorial complex "Alley of Heroes".

"Gomel statements"