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Direct telephone lines

In Belarus on Saturdays are organized weekly the conduct of regional Executive committees, the Executive committees, district Executive committees of direct telephone lines in order to increase the effectiveness of work with appeals of citizens and legal entities, the eradication of the facts of bureaucracy and red tape, paperwork, as well as for the immediate solution occurs in people of problematic issues.

The Homel city Executive Committee on 23 may from 9.00 to 12.00 telephone will spend managing the Affairs of the Gomel city Executive Committee Alexei A. FLYAGIN. Phone: 33 07 62 (supervises questions of work with addresses of citizens and implementation of administrative procedures offices, departments and services of the Gomel city Executive Committee).

Saturday, may 16, from 9.00 to 12.00 direct telephone lines will hold:

- Petrukovich Alex Zubkov, the first Deputy head of administration of Railway area of Gomel, tel 33 01 99 (supervises housing and communal services and improvement, housing relations, content, maintenance and repair of housing, operation of housing construction and garage-construction cooperatives, architecture, landscaping and sanitary maintenance of the territory of the Railway district of Gomel).


- RUDENOK Oksana Konstantinovna, Deputy head of the administration of the Novobelitsky district of Gomel tel 51 42 10 (coordinating issues of social protection of population, education, physical culture and sports of ideological work, culture and youth policy).


- F. S. A., managing the Affairs of administration of the Soviet area of Gomel, tel 51 84 25 (coordinates the organization of work with addresses of citizens and legal entities, implementation of administrative procedures of status determination and the issuance of certificates to citizens affected by the Chernobyl NPP).

youth policy).


- DOTSENKO Olga Aleksandrovna, Deputy head of administration of Central district of Gomel tel 30 16 87 (coordinating issues of social protection of population, education, physical culture and sports of ideological work, culture and youth policy).