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In Gomel opened after the reconstruction of the street Shevchenko

The length of the reconstructed streets made up of 956 meters. The whole area from Kurchatov to Dokutovich expanded twice – up to four lanes. The project involves a device a right-hand exit to the street Polesskaya. For the execution of works from the municipal and regional budgets allocated four million rubles, according to

The decision on reconstruction was made in 2019, and in the current road builders started implementation of the project. The General contractor made DRSU-113 KRAP "Gomelobldorstroi". Came to the aid of workers Chechersk, Buda-Koshelevo and branches of the Vetka "of Gomelobldorstroy".

At the opening ceremony brought together leaders of the region and city, representatives of the construction organizations.


As noted by the Chairman of the Gomel city Executive Committee Piotr Kirichenko, though Shevchenko street is not very long, but it's important for our city, as there are a number of strategic objects of the railway and bus stations.

– Changing logistics, as there was a possibility of the Congress from the street Polesskaya Shevchenko, residents of Salmasa and Soviet area can be much faster to get to the center and to the railway stations. Will be unloaded Kirova street, Avenue of the Victory, – said the mayor of the city.– This is another step in the Program of reconstruction of the transport network of Gomel, which is carried out in recent years. Already updated the street Barykina, Kirov, International, Fedyuninskogo. Next year is planned reconstruction of the important highway from street Krupsky to street Soviet, which will connect the Central district with Salmasi. In plans of this year is the repair and overhaul of a number of streets which, because of time require replacement asphalt paving and patching.


Updated the way Shevchenko is appreciated by drivers and pedestrians. The young man Nikolay Daineko said that the time he spent to get to station square through the city centre, was reduced several times. Another huge plus – less traffic lights and traffic flow.

Olga lives on the street Starodanilovskiy. To get diesel to the country, always gets to walk on the street Shevchenko. 15 minutes and you're at the station.

Very waited, when will the construction work. The builders – a huge thank you for trying, that was quick. Now the road along the smooth, tiled the sidewalk more pleasant.

"Gomel statements"