The contest “Entrepreneur of the year”
In accordance with the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 17, 2016 No. 207 to inform you about the launch from 1 April 2019 the National contest “entrepreneur of the year”.
The main purpose of the competition is the development of entrepreneurial initiative and stimulation of business activity of the population.
The contest is held among representatives of subjects of small and average business (except for the category "financial success") in four categories.
1. "Successful start";
2. "Sustainable success";
3. "Effective business in the sphere of production";
4. "Effective business in the sphere of services";
The principal terms of the selection of applicants for participation
the competition is the lack of in 2018:
losses and debts before the Republican and local budgets, budgets of state extrabudgetary funds, as well as the payment of wages;
accidents at production with the fatal outcome and (or) leading to severe physical injury caused by the employer;
cases of involvement of the individual entrepreneur, the head of the legal person criminally liable in connection with their business activities;
cases of imposing administrative penalties on the bidder in the form of confiscation of income, goods (products), the proceeds received from sales of products, goods, works, services and (or) fines and (or) recovery of the cost of the administrative offense in an amount exceeding 250 penalty units.
The competition is held on the results of operations for the reporting period (the term "accounting period" means the two full calendar years immediately preceding the year in which a competition is held, i.e., 2017-2018).
The participants of the competition until June 1, 2019 submit to Homel city Executive Committee
- the application form for participation in the National competition “the Businessman of year” (hereinafter - the application) in the form below.
Requirements for registration of participants of the National contest “entrepreneur of the year” applications
Page margins: top and bottom – 20 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, Font Times New Roman, size 15. Line spacing – single, alignment – justified without hyphenation.
The application is printed on a sheet of A4 on each sheet, typescript (handwritten not accepted). The words "Annex 2" and "App 3" is required before filling to remove.
In applications the indicators of paragraph 8 (selected indicators of this paragraph) shall not be placed on the sheet, where the signature of the head of the organization of the participant and must comply with the statistical reporting submitted by the bidder to the statistical authorities.
Information about the participant that is to be reflected in the application, is filled in bold without abbreviations.
The main figures of financial-economic activity for the reporting period are filled with bold and rounded to hundredths (two decimal places).
Values must be specified in all figures of financial and economic activities required for nomination or replace them with a dash (”-“) in their absence.
On the contrary indicators are not required on the nomination put a dash (”-“).
Specified in the application, the words "not populated" are not deleted. The presence of the corrections and deletions are not allowed.
Failure to follow the above procedure in the design documents will not be accepted and will be returned to the appropriate harrispoll for correction.
Mandatory when applications pay attention to the line of units in which to reflect performance and that was reflected by the participants of the contest submitted the application !
On the approval sheet
In the form of approval sheet listed the names of those bodies which sign the sheet. The name of "Central statistical office of Gomel region" is not deleted or changed.
Requirements for registration of participants of the National contest “entrepreneur of the year” applications (here)
Application for participation in the national contest ”entrepreneur of the year“ (here)