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Information for employers


In the framework of the world Day of labour protection on 18 April 2019, the Gomel city Executive Committee was held offsite municipal health and safety Day at OJSC "Gomel chemical plant" on the theme "Protection of labour and future of labour".
The event was attended by leaders of more than 50 enterprises and organizations of Gomel.
The review was organized a visit of the premises and production sites of the enterprise JSC "Gomel chemical plant" and exhibition of personal protective equipment, clothing, footwear.
Information was reported by representatives of Executive authorities, regional office of the Department of state labour inspection, Prosecutor's office of Gomel regional Association of trade unions, the urban center of hygiene and epidemiology", the Central city polyclinic, the magazine "labor Protection and social protection", LLC "Seiftis".
On the city Day of labor protection were awarded diplomas to the best inspectors of public enterprises of the city.

Dear employers!

We remind You that in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On employment of population" data on availability of jobs (vacancies) are filled and provided to the agencies for labor, employment and social protection of city, district Executive committees at the location of available jobs(vacancies). These data can also be provide by filling in an electronic form on the portal of the state employment service of the Republic of Belarus.

In addition, the office for labour, employment and social protection at the Homel city Executive Committee has a database containing information about unemployed citizens, job seekers and are ready to start working in various professions and specialties.


The Department of labour, employment and social protection at the Homel city Executive Committee is to assist the unemployed in entrepreneurial activities in the form of organizational and methodological support and financial support.

The grant is in the amount of 11 times the value of minimum subsistence level on average per capita on the date of the conclusion of the grant.

A preferential right to receive subsidies are unemployed persons, who are unable to obtain suitable work and organizing significant types of business activities.


Adaptation of invalids for work - a set of measures aimed at:

  • acquisition and development disabilities professional knowledge and skills taking into account the obtained or existing specialty (profession);

  • acquisition, restoration and development available to people with disabilities workforce skills and strengthening their implementation work;

  • improving the competitiveness of disabled persons on the labour market;

  • employment of persons with disabilities in accordance with the obtained or existing specialty (profession).

Adaptation of disabled persons to employment can be implemented in organizations of any organizational and legal forms and individual entrepreneurs.

Employers wishing to implement the adaptation of the disabled to work should have the necessary opportunities and conditions for implementation of measures for adaptation of disabled persons to labour activity in accordance with legislation.

Adaptation of with disabilities to work is if they have a specialty (profession), except for activities that do not require training in accordance with individual program of rehabilitation of the disabled, formed the medico-rehabilitation expert Commission and can be implemented in a period of six months to one year.

Employers wishing to organise the adaptation of the disabled to employment, submit to the agencies for labor, employment and social protection at the place of work place creation statement specifying the list of specialties (professions), for which the organization adaptation of the disabled to work, the number and list of vacant jobs, as well as the need to create new jobs and opportunities for further employment of people with disabilities. The application shall be accompanied by calculations of the financial costs to the organization adaptation of the disabled to work.

Financing of actions for adaptation of disabled people to labour activities at the expense of the state off-budget Fund of social protection of population of the Ministry of labor and social protection carried out by the agencies for labor, employment and social protection in the form of allocation of tenants funds to purchase equipment, materials, work clothes, compensation of expenses for payment of labor of persons with disabilities.

Regulatory support

The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 02.02.2009, No. 128 "On approval of Provision on order of financing and compensation of costs for creation and preservation of jobs for persons with disabilities and Regulations on the organization and financing of actions for adaptation of disabled people to work"


Bodies on labour, employment and social protection can fully or partially offset the costs to employers for vocational training of employees subject to dismissal in connection with liquidation of the organization, termination of activities of individual entrepreneur, reduction of number or staff of workers, and also recruited citizens from the numbers released by other tenants, first time job seekers liable persons.

Category of workers

  • employees subject to dismissal in connection with liquidation of the organization, termination of activities of individual entrepreneur, reduction of number or staff of workers (further – workers subject to release);

  • recruited citizens, dismissed by other tenants in connection with the liquidation of organizations, termination of activities of individual entrepreneur, reduction of number or staff of workers (hereinafter the redundant workers);

  • recruited citizens, first time job seekers

  • persons from among parents who shall be obligated to reimburse the expenses spent by the state for the maintenance of children in public care (hereinafter obligated person)


The conditions for compensation of expenses of employers

  • released the employee has been accepted for permanent work at other than at the last place of work profession, requiring additional training;

  • the employee subject to release, completed training on the new or improved skills according to the profession and continued employment in the organization or was employed by the other organization as a profession or skill withoutadditional training;

  • worker, for the first time a job seeker:

  • prior to his work not received profession.

  • after graduating the educational institution was assigned to work in the prescribed manner on the adjacent (related) occupations require additional training, or having the right for self-employment, was employed at the adjacent (related) professions that require additional training.

  • from an obligor absent absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline, and also provided workplace obligor in their profession (specialty) wage exceeds the wage at the previous work performed;

The list of documents required for compensation

  • a written statement of the employer for compensation (sent no later than 1 month after graduation );

  • cost estimates for training employees;

  • copies of documents (diploma, certificate, certificate) confirming the completion of vocational training during their period of employment with the employer;

  • for displaced workers – copies of labor books confirming the fact of release;

  • for employees subject to release and employed in the same organization, – copies of orders about the forthcoming dismissal in connection with liquidation of the organization, termination of activities of individual entrepreneur, reduction of number or staff of workers, and copies of orders on employment in newly acquired profession or qualifications, and for employees in other organization – copies of labor books confirming the fact of release and copies of orders on employment in another organization as a profession or skill;

  • for first-time applicants – copies of labor books, and for graduates of educational institutions, self-employed, in addition, copies of references on self-employment of the established sample;

  • on obliged persons – information on the accrued wages for the last 2 months of work to vocational training and wages after training;

  • copies of payment documents confirming the transfer of the educational establishment (organization) of funds according to the estimates in the case when the professional training of workers is carried out in this and in other organization or institution of education.

The procedure for compensation of expenses of employers

The compensation costs of employers to vocational training of employees is done by the agencies for labor, employment and social protection at the place of registration of the employer. For compensation the employer not later than one month after the completion of an employee professional learning turns into body for labour, employment and social protection.

Bodies on labour, employment and social protection on the basis of submitted documents compensate to the tenant, the following types of costs for training employees:

  • salaries of teachers, masters of industrial training (trainers, mentors) and other professionals engaged in vocational training;

  • the remuneration of members of the qualification commissions;

  • wages of the auxiliary personnel;

  • costs associated with the maintenance training and production space and operation training and production equipment;

  • the cost of the materials needed to implement training;

  • taxes and fees required by law.

  • other costs directly associated with the organization and implementation of vocational training

The cost of maintaining training and production areas and maintenance training and production equipment, purchase of consumables necessary for the implementation of training, kompensiruet in that case, if vocational training was conducted in the organization on a purpose-built training areas and was not accompanied by commodity output or educational institution.

The amount of compensation cost to the employer for vocational training may not exceed the average cost of region for training, retraining and raising of qualifications of unemployed persons in the direction of bodies on work, employment and social protection in the profession.

The costs of employers for vocational training of workers from among the citizens especially needing social protection and not capable on equal terms to compete on the labour market referred to in article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On employment of population of the Republic of Belarus" or obligated persons, komentiruyte, as a rule, completely.

Regulatory support

The resolution of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 30.11.2006 No. 155 "About approval of the Instruction about the order and conditions of compensation by the public service employment costs of employers, institutions of criminal Executive system, medical and labor dispensaries of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus on the professional training of employees and persons engaged to work"


If within five years prior to the release, the employee (with the exception of persons employed in unskilled jobs, and persons under the age of 45 years women 50 years – men) at the last place of work has not passed retraining and advanced training, the employer fully reimburses the agencies for labor, employment and social protection the costs of his training.


Every year the management together with the departments of formations of the district administrations of Gomel, is the organization of temporary employment of students in their free time (hereinafter – temporary youth employment). Temporary employment is available for young people aged 14 years and older, with the aim of familiarizing young people to socially useful work, acquiring work skills, adaptation to employment, preparation for independent access to the labour market, improvement of material well-being, as well as prevention of offences.

Conducted repairs of school furniture, books, manufacturer: easels and cubes for exhibition contractors, stands under folders, benches, decorative fence, benches, frames for the exhibition of works, making tablecloths and napkins.

The rights and obligations of employers in accordance with articles 20 and 21 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 15 June 2006, No. 125-Z "On employment of population of the Republic of Belarus"

From March 1, 2016 came into force the decree of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Republic of Belarus of 26 January 2016. No. 6 "On amendments to the decree of the MinistryMinistry of labour and social protection of the Republic of Belarus dated 22 February 2008. No. 35".
In order to correct submission of documents for certification of workplaces pay attention to the modified form of preferential list.