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City heraldry


City printing, 1560.

The first mention of the coat of arms of Gomel, but rather on the town seal with the inscription in Latin, "the emblem of the city of Gomel" refers to 1560 earlier evidence in written sources this is not detected. According to the "Privileg mamanam hamashkim print mestskou" of 21 March 1560 Grand Duke of Lithuania žygimantas Augustas (Sigismund) August Homel granted the burghers, at their request, a seal with the cavalry cross.

"Sent to us subjects our burgers places Gomelskogo, povedali, into well they print mistkae that right mestska was pechatali broke, not toil and great zatrudnienie in th the Ref and demand mestskych they customroot deetsya... ISE we s affection nasae Hospodarske... print mestskou s coat of arms in the upper hoist gave them and methylene permitted and this sheet ourth permitted. Mayut vzho they from that hour the toe print / coat of arms pumenengo in vsih Ref and demand, that meter place nalezacych, vivaty and they pochtovaia by yako and yhyh places our Great knyazstva Lithuanian custom of zachowywali."

Printing allowed citizens without the help of mediators (elders and nobles who had their own personal seals) to engage in property and other relations, both among themselves and with representatives of the local and Grand-Ducal administration, as well as merchants and inhabitants of other towns and villages. Granted city printing could in the future become actual town coat of arms, if passed without change from generation to generation and had a heraldic attributes, which include a cross on the Gomel print.

How was the process of selecting images for the emblem is not known. Probably could have played the role of the initiative of the residents. Not found also the graphics and the coat of arms. By comparison to similar arms of Velizh, Krichev, Orsha, an emblem which is the cross, researcher A. K. Titov gave a description of the Gomel coat of arms. According to the reconstruction, its main features are as follows: a shield with a field of red in the center of which the cross is silver (white) colour, bearing in heraldry, the name of cavalry. The question remains about the period of time during which the Gomel tradesmen enjoyed giving them seal. There is speculation that she had circulation, not only to the accession of Gomel to the Russian Empire in the first partition of Poland (1772), but some time later.

The coat of arms of Gomel during the Great Duchy of Lithuania, 1560 (1562) g.

“Coat of arms of Gomel approved March 21, 1560 (1562) years. In the Privilege of the Polish king Sigismund August to mention the city of the press “with the arms of the hoist” (i.e. cross). Late reconstruction of the coat of arms: in a red shield is a silver cavalry cross.”

(Materials research Belarusian historian A. Titov and V. Melibaeva article in the journal “Gerboved” No. 9)


The coat of arms of Belitsa, 1781.

In 1772 after the first partition of the Commonwealth, Gomel became part of the Russian Empire. C 1775 he belonged to count P. A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, being presented by Empress Catherine II to their General field Marshal. Being a privately owned place, Gomel had its town emblem. The center of the County from 1777 becomes Belica (Bellick), received on 16 August 1781 the coat of arms with the new image: (along with other cities in the Mogilev governorship).

“At the top of the shield part of the coat of arms of Mogilev: in a gold field, half of Russia's arms [in a sign that the Mogilev governorship annexed to the Russian Empire. A. F.]. In the lower – lying quietly trot, in a blue field; for of such animals in the vicinity of this town very much”

(Used materials armorial p. P. von Winkler)

It should be noted that the specialists of king of arms office pretty actively portrayed in a newly created coats of arms of various species of flora and fauna, including fish and insects. They relied on the so-called geographical rule of heraldry, or, as they said in the eighteenth century "regulam," that is, " the city abounds that produces what in this wonderful building, strengthening etc."

The coat of arms of Gomel, 1855.

In 1852, the new owner of the Gomel, Russian General I. F. Paskevich moved the County town of Belitsa New in Gomel. Belica declared a provincial city, and in 1854 joined Gomel.

The coat of arms of Gomel approved on 23 December 1855. This approved, the Gomel coat of arms was used until 1917.

“The shield is divided into two equal parts: the top depicts the Mogilev coat of arms: gold shield emerging state eagle; at the bottom, on Lazareva field lying lynx. The shield is crowned by urban crown of a stone color.”

(Used materials armorial p. P. von Winkler and the book "the Arms of cities, provinces, regions and settlements of the Russian Empire made in the complete collection of laws from 1649 to 1900").


Armorial p. P. von Winkler.

The project of the coat of arms of Gomel, 1862.

In 1857, the first Manager of the Stamp Department (special unit for the production of coats of arms) became the Keeper of numismatic Cabinet of the Hermitage, Baron B. V. Kene. To them, rules were drawn up decorations the coats of arms of provinces, regions, gradonachalstva, cities and suburbs. According to these rules, the arms must have a certain symbolism according to the status of a city.In 1862, in accordance with these rules was developed the project of the coat of arms of Gomel. It was a shield of blue color in the center of which stands with a raised front paw of lynx. In the upper left corner of the shield – a small rectangular box with the image of the Mogilev province in the Golden field triple green grave with the coming of these three scarlet with green leaves of the ear. The shield was to be crowned with a silver tower crown with three prongs – a symbol of the County town. In the upper corners of the shield two cross laid the Golden hammer – a distinctive sign, which gave cities and suburbs, characterized by the development industry. Hammers are connected by al Alexander ribbon, framing the entire Board.The project of the emblem 1862, not youennennum reasons was not approved, but, obviously, this was the reason that some images of the Gomel coat of arms we see a lynx standing.

 The coat of arms of Gomel nineteenth century.

Nearly 80 years the town did not have his coat of arms. Attempts by enthusiasts in the 70 –80s of the XXth century for the creation of the coat of arms corresponding to the new time, did not succeed. This gave rise to a large number of options "self-made" coats of arms granted to the drawings, badges, postcards. And only after the collapse of the Soviet Union the attempt of its creation.

In the 1990-ies when the development of the new coat of arms was based on the coat of arms 1855, from which were removed the first double-headed eagle, and the later image of the urban crown.

The coat of arms of the Novobelitsky district of Gomel city approved on 13 February 2001 by Decision No. 56 of the Executive Committee of the administration of the Novobelitsky district of Gomel.The coat of arms is included in the coat of arms registered in the Republic of Belarus of 28 January 2002, under No. 81.“In a blue field “French” or “Russian”, of the shield lies a Golden lynx”

The flag of the Novobelitsky district of Gomel city approved on 13 February 2001 by Decision No. 56 of the Executive Committee of the administration of the Novobelitsky district of Gomel city.”A rectangular blue flag with ratio of width to length as 1:2 with two braids in the middle of the front side has a yellow image of the reclining lynx”

The modern coat of arms of Gomel, 1997. Date of introduction: July 16, 1997. Entered: the decision of the city Executive Committee No. 802.

Description:Lazareva field lying Golden lynx. As a basis used the coat of arms 1855.Type of shield: French (Russian). The coat of arms approved by the State heraldic service of the Republic of Belarus and included in the official list of the Republic of Belarus.

The modern flag of the city, 2001. Date of entry: 15 August 2001. Entered: the decision of the city Executive Committee № 919-33.

The decision was signed by the Chairman of the Board L. V. Reels and Manager of the Executive Committee of the Y. A. Samborsky.

Rectangular cloth blue with a ratio of width of flag to its length is 1:2. In the center of the cloth on two sides is the yellow picture of a lynx the official emblem of the city. The flag fastens on a staff (Flagstaff) which is painted Golden (ochre).