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Department of work with addresses of citizens and legal entities

Department of work with addresses of citizens and legal entities of the Gomel city Executive Committee

Department of work with addresses of citizens and legal entities of the Gomel city Executive Committee organizes, coordinates, supervises and implements the work of timely and qualitative consideration of references, organizing the reception of citizens by the Executive Committee.

Provides accounting and studying the content of the received requests, timely referral for consideration officials.

Gomel, St. Sovetskaya,16

Ivanchenko Natalia
head of Department
tel 51-44-93
1st floor, KAB. No. 123

Dorosheva Tatiana
Deputy head of Department
Tel: 51-47-53
1st floor, KAB. No. 121

Klinovaya Oksana 
chief specialist
Telephone: 51-47-53
1st floor, KAB. No. 121

Sapieha Tatiana
chief specialist
Tel: 51-47-53

Room of reception of citizens on personal matters
1st floor, KAB. No. 122

Service "one window"
1st floor, KAB. No. 120
tel 53-64-85