The economy Committee of Gomel regional Executive Committee informs about competition of investment projects of subjects of small entrepreneurship of the Gomel region for the provision of public financial support by providing:
subsidies for reimbursement of part of interest for using Bank credits.
The compensation of part of interest for using Bank credits received:
in Belarusian rubles, made in an amount not more than 0.5 of the refinancing rate of the National Bank established on the date of reimbursement of part of interest;
in foreign currency - in the amount of not more than 0.5 rate on the loan.
Compensation is made in Belarusian rubles at the official rate of the National Bank on the date of the decision on compensation of part of interest.
subsidies for reimbursement for leasing payments under contracts of financial rent (leasing) regarding payment of remuneration (income) of the lessor.
Compensation to subjects of small entrepreneurship shall be part of expenses for payment of leasing payments under agreements of financial rent (leasing) regarding payment of remuneration (income) of the lessor in the amount not exceeding 0.5 of the amount of remuneration (income) of the lessor.
Organization and carrying out competition is carried out by the economy Committee of the Gomel oblast Executive Committee jointly with the Council of assistance to development of small business in the Gomel oblast Executive Committee.
Priority directions of state financial support.
State financial support is provided to small businesses on a competitive basis when implementing the investment projects, business projects in the following areas:
the creation, development and expansion of production of goods (works, services);
the organization, development, production, implementation
export-oriented, import-substituting products;
manufacturing products aimed at energy and resource saving;
the introduction of new technologies.
Obligatory condition of rendering of the state financial support on a competitive basis to small businesses is the creation of new jobs
Requirements to participants of competition
To participate in the contest is not allowed the claimants in the cases provided for in parts I and II of paragraph 4 of the Regulations on rendering state financial support to small businesses and entities of the infrastructure supporting small entrepreneurship at the expense of the means provided in programs of state support of small business, approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus may 21, 2009 No. 255 "About some measures of state support of small entrepreneurship".
The list of documents submitted for participation in the competition:
application for participation in the contest with indication of the requested type and amount of state support, as well as the expected number of new jobs;
a copy of the certificate on the state registration of a legal entity, the Charter of the legal person (constituent contract - for legal entities operating on the basis of Foundation agreement), certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneur;
information about the average number of employees (for legal entities), certified by signature and seal of the legal entity or signature of an individual entrepreneur and a stamp, if available;
information about revenue from sale of goods (performance of works, rendering of services), excluding value-added tax for the calendar year preceding the year of application certified by signature and seal of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur, signed and stamped if available.
feasibility study (including financial) of the project;
the balance sheet and its annexes for the previous year, as well as for time actually worked in the current year (for small businesses applying the simplified taxation system - tax return for the previous year, as well as for time actually worked in the current year);
a letter (certificate) about open Bank accounts with the indication of the persons having the right to sign financial documents, the amount of debit and credit turnovers on accounts opened in the Bank
last month, the claims of the unpaid bills, overdue debts on loans.
To receive state financial support in the form of reimbursement of part of interest for using Bank loans to small businesses in addition to the above documents provide:
a copy of the credit agreement; extract from the loan account;
schedule of repayment of loan and payment of interest thereon; copies of payment orders confirming the proper use of credit;
copies of payment orders confirming payment of accrued loan interest;
the calculation of the grant for payment of interest on the loan made by the Bank.
For the provision of state financial support in the form of reimbursement of expenses on leasing payments under contracts of financial rent (leasing! in part payment of the amount
interest (income) of the lessor small businesses in addition to the above documents provide:
a copy of the contract of financial rent (leasing);
copies of the documents confirming the transfer of the object of leasing to small businesses;
the calculation of the grant for payment of remuneration (income) of the lessor produced by the lessor;
copies of documents confirming the payment of remuneration (income) of the lessor.
Acceptance of documents
Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition by the Committee of economy, Gomel regional Executive Committee (Lenina Avenue, 2, office 311, Gomel, 246050) since July 25, 2019 August 23, 2019 on working days from 8.30 to 17.30.
Bids submitted after the deadline will not be accepted and will be returned to applicants.
Phones for inquiries: 8 (0232) 33 10 94, 33 47 24.
In accordance with the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 17, 2016 No. 207 to inform you about the launch from 1 April 2019 the National contest “entrepreneur of the year”.
The main purpose of the competition is the development of entrepreneurial initiative and stimulation of business activity of the population.
The contest is held among representatives of subjects of small and average business (except for the category "financial success") in four categories.
1. "Successful start";
2. "Sustainable success";
3. "Effective business in the sphere of production";
4. "Effective business in the sphere of services";
The principal terms of the selection of applicants for participation
the competition is the lack in 2018:
losses and debts to Republican and local budgets, budgets of state extrabudgetary funds, as well as the payment of wages;
accidents at production with the fatal outcome and (or) leading to severe physical injury caused by the employer;
cases of involvement of the individual entrepreneur, the head of the legal person criminally liable in connection with their business activities;
cases of imposing administrative penalties on the bidder in the form of confiscation of income, goods (products), the proceeds received from sales of products, goods, works, services and (or) fines and (or) recovery of the cost of the administrative offense in an amount exceeding 250 penalty units.
The competition is held on the results of operations for the reporting period (the term "accounting period" means the two full calendar years immediately preceding the year in which a competition is held, i.e., 2017-2018).
The participants of the competition until June 1, 2019 submit to Homel city Executive Committee
- the application form for participation in the National competition “the Businessman of year” (hereinafter - the application) in the form below.
Requirements for registration of participants
Nationalnational contest “entrepreneur of the year” applications
Page margins: top and bottom – 20 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, Font Times New Roman, size 15. Line spacing – single, alignment – justified without hyphenation.
The application is printed on a sheet of A4 on each sheet, typescript (handwritten not accepted). The words "Annex 2" and "App 3" is required before filling to remove.
In applications the indicators of paragraph 8 (selected indicators of this paragraph) shall not be placed on the sheet, where the signature of the head of the organization of the participant and must comply with the statistical reporting submitted by the bidder to the statistical authorities.
Information about the participant that is to be reflected in the application, is filled in bold without abbreviations.
The main figures of financial-economic activity for the reporting period are filled with bold and rounded to hundredths (two decimal places).
Values must be specified in all figures of financial and economic activities required for nomination or replace them with a dash (”-“) in their absence.
On the contrary indicators are not required on the nomination put a dash (”-“).
Specified in the application, the words "not populated" are not deleted. The presence of the corrections and deletions are not allowed.
Failure to follow the above procedure in the design documents will not be accepted and will be returned to the appropriate harrispoll for correction.
Mandatory when applications pay attention to the line of units in which to reflect performance and that was reflected by the participants of the contest submitted the application !
On the approval sheet
In the form of approval sheet listed the names of those bodies which sign the sheet. The name of "Central statistical office of Gomel region" is not deleted or changed.
Requirements for registration of participants of the National contest “entrepreneur of the year” applications (here)
Application for participation in the national contest ”entrepreneur of the year“ (here)
What is our city? For someone at the mention of the regional center immediately seems green velvet of the Park, where the pearl of great price, through the trees lit tower and dome of the Palace of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskeviches. For some, our town smells like chocolate or shrouded in a delicate wrought-iron foundry "Tsentrolit". And Gomel is speckled knit and elegant men's suits, sparkling facets of diamonds, handled delicately in the jewelry factory. Gomel – schools, museums, businesses. Gomel is radio and Newspapers. Gomel – is its people.
It is very symbolic that in the Year of homeland Gomel chose the brand of your city. For this was organized and held an open city competition. Just for review has been submitted 50 applications from 35 parties.
So, the contest results were announced. And, as it turned out, the diversity of our city can not represent only one company or a monument of architecture. Therefore, it was decided that there will be several winners.
In the category "Brand attraction" won the Palace and Park ensemble and the sculptural composition "the Apple".
Industrial brands of Gomel steel jewelry brand "Crystal" products Gomel foundry plant "Tsentrolit", dairy products "Milkaway", the image of the house with the logo of DSK Gomel and squirrel image, line of products "VOSMAE", costumes from "the Comintern", confectionery "Spartak", the products manufactured by the Gomel chemical plant.
The winners and their work took part in a celebratory exhibition in Gomel dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus.
The regulations on open city competition "the Government is for young people" establishing the Youth Council under the Gomel city Executive Committee (see here)