Investment agreement
The conclusion of the investment agreement with the Republic of Belarus allows the investor to obtain preferential conditions and incentives for the implementation of specific investment project, to establish additional guarantees of protection of their capital.
Conditions of use:
- priority activities;
- the amount of investment should exceed the cadastral value of the land.
The investor receives the right to:
- lease of land from the approved list without an auction;
- determination without holding a tender of the General project organization; the refund of VAT;
- definition have no established procedures for the selection of suppliers of goods and providers of services;
- exemption from payment of the state fee General Contracting of design and construction organizations for permits for attracting foreign labor force.
The investor is exempt from:
- payment for the right of conclusion of the contract of lease of a land plot;
- land tax or rent for land plots for the period of design and construction;
- VAT and profit tax in connection with gratuitous transfer to the investor the state property;
- payments into innovative funds for the period of validity of the contract;
for compensation of losses agricultural and (or) forestry production;
- the payment of import customs duties and VAT when importing to the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus of equipment and spare parts for the investment project.
Investment agreement with the Republic of Belarus allows the investor to get preferential conditions and benefits for the implementation of a certain investment project, establish additional guarantees to protect its capital.
Application terms:
- priority activities;
- amount of investment should exceed the cadastral value of a land plot.
Investor has the right to:
- rent a land plot from the approved list without auction;
- appoint a general engineering company without tender;
- full amount of VAT deduction;
- choose the suppliers of goods and service providers without established procedure;
- exemption from state due to general contracting and construction organization for the permits to engage foreign labour.
Investor is exempt from:
- payment for the right to conclude a land rental agreement;
- land tax or land rental payment for design and construction period;
- VAT and profit tax due to the gratuitous assignment of state property to investor;
- contribution to innovation funds for the agreement validity period;
- replacement of losses in agricultural and (or) forestry production;
- import customs duties and VAT while importing equipment and its spare parts at the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus for the investment project.
State institution "National Agency of investment and privatization"