Electronic state registration
On the implementation of electronic state registration of business entities
Harmonization of the legal entity in electronic form
Approval of the name in electronic form is done through the web portal of the Unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (http://egr.gov.by) (hereinafter called the web portal) in respect of legal entities registered in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 16 January 2009 No. 1 "On state registration and liquidation of economic entities": economic partnerships and companies, unitary enterprises, production cooperatives, state enterprises, peasant (farmer) economy, associations (unions), consumer cooperatives (ZHSPK, GSPK, co-gasification, etc.), horticultural associations, institutions, partnerships of owners; individual entrepreneurs.
To fill electronic application on the harmonization of the legal entity applicant must:
be a resident of the Republic of Belarus (citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, legal entities established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus with the location in the territory of the Republic of Belarus);
to have access to the Internet.
The private key of electronic digital signature (EDS) for electronic approval of the legal entity to acquire is not necessary.
In this case, before filling in the application selected name of the legal entity can be checked using the list of agreed (reserved) names of legal entities located on the web-portal of the unified state register.
The applicant may submit for approval 3 options for names. The agreement names will be made in the order in which the names specified in the statement before the first name, corresponding to the requirements established by the legislation. Thus, the applicant to specify multiple variants of the name of the legal entity shall arrange them in order according to your preference.
Another statement on the harmonization of the legal entity, the same applicant may submit only after obtaining the registration on the answer about results of consideration of the previous application.
A statement on harmonization of the legal entity is directed automatically to the registration authority in accordance with its competence according to the place of residence of the applicant-natural person or the location of the applicant-legal entity.
In the cases established by the legislation to the filled application must be attached scanned documents to a format .pdf (the document confirming powers of the applicant; authorization for use of surnames, pseudonyms of famous persons or names of legal entities in cases established by law).
The period of validity of certificate of approval name - 1 month.
The procedure of approving the names of legal persons is free of charge.
Name of the legal entity shall be deemed approved in the electronic form in case of receipt of certificate of approval name and uncoordinated – in the case of obtaining information about the failure to agree on names, signed with digital signature of an authorized officer of the authority.
These certificates are sent to the applicant at his email address no later than one working day from the date of dispatch of the statement.
The procedure of electronic state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Electronic state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is carried out through the web-portal of the Unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (http://egr.gov.by) (hereinafter called the web portal) and is valid throughout the country.
In order to electronically register a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the applicant must:
be a resident of the Republic of Belarus (citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, legal entities established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus with the location in the territory of the Republic of Belarus);
to have access to the Internet;
to have the private key of electronic digital signature (EDS).
Information about obtaining a digital signature and software requirements for authorization to a web portal hosted on the web portal under "Help portal".
Thus, through the web portal, you can register:
business partnership and society, unitary enterprise, production cooperative, state Association, peasant (farmer) economy, associations (unions), consumer cooperative (ZHSPK, GSPK, co-gasification, etc.), horticultural society, institution, Association of owners;
individual entrepreneur;
changes and (or) additions to the constituent documents of the above-mentioned legal persons;
changes in the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneur.
For example, for state registration of the created business companies sufficient availability of EDS, one of the founders, which the other founders may authorize to act on their behalf by issuing the power of attorney. If the number of founders of the organization more than three, they have the right to authorize one of them to sign the statement in the document confirming the intention to create the organization (minutes of the General meeting), and the document is hereby submitted to the registering authority.
In addition, the founders may assign the preparation and sending of documents to the registering body for state registration of the organization other person having EDS.
y;"> Applicants who submit documents for registration of business entities electronically, are exempt from paying the state fee (p. p. 8.21 section 8, article 257 of the Tax code of the Republic of Belarus).
The list of documents required for submission to the registering authority, the same personal appeal to the registration authority and set by the Regulation on state registration of business entities approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 16 January 2009 No. 1. When sending documents via the web portal, the latter must be scanned in the format .pdf and signed with a digital signature of the applicant who sent them.
Confirmation of state registration of a business entity are signed with digital signature of employee of a registered body notification of the transaction, as well as electronic documents on the state registration (the Charter with a stamp indicating the state registration and the state registration certificate).
The Charter (Foundation agreement) of a legal entity with a stamp and a certificate of state registration on paper can be issued by the registering authority with the personal appeal of the applicant (the representative of the applicant if the documents confirming his powers).
The procedure for sending email notifications
In accordance with clause 22 of the Regulations on state registration of economic entities approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 16 January 2009 No. 1, the legal entity in case of change of their location or assignment (replacement) of the head shall, within ten working days from the date of occurrence of such events to send to the registration authority a notification.
Having the private key of electronic digital signature (EDS), this can also be done through web portal.
Please pay attention that the notification can only be signed a digital signature issued by the legal entity (not the Deputy head, accountant, economist, etc.).
Online filling of applications and notification on the state registration of business entities
In the open part of the web-portal of the Unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (there you can enter without a key signature) service has been implemented that enables the use of so-called "tips" to fill in the online form for a variety of applications (notifications) for further personal submission to the registering authority.
When completing application forms (notifications) on the web portal of the last assigned ID code (document number generated egr.gov.by), which is specified at the end of the application (notice) under the date.
When contacting the applicant to a registration authority filled on web portal application allows the registered officer of the authority automatically to make the information contained in the application (notice) in the database on the usr.
Completing applications (notifications) through a web portal gives the opportunity to save time both of the applicant and the Registrar, to avoid mistakes when filling out applications and improves the quality represented to registering body of the documents.
In order to use this service, you need the portal to go to the "Preparation of documents" and choose needed to fill in a statement (notice).
Obtaining information from the Unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs through the web portal
1. Providing information from the Unified state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs according to the legislation is the administrative procedure carried out on the basis of the query and the document confirming payment of the state fee (according to the Tax code of the Republic of Belarus – 1 basic unit per 1 copy).
Currently, through a web portal, the usr can be sent to the Ministry of justice a request (application) for providing information from the unified state register in electronic form.
To do this, the applicant:
fill in the application on the web portal
pays state duty through the use of automated information system of single settlement and information space (SSIS).
Legal entity for the payment of the state fee for providing information from the unified state register through SSIS with the use of the system "Internet-banking" will be required to use a corporate debit card.
The original statement signed by the authorized person of the Ministry of justice, issued to the person concerned to hand or sent by mail, and the electronic version of the statement should be sent to the email address of the person who has applied.
Please note that persons exempted under the law from payment of state duty for provision of information from the usr, the service we can not use.
2. The web portal of the usr now allows to check the status (existence) of any legal entity and individual entrepreneur, contained in the usr.
This applies to such legal entities as banks, Republican state-public associations, funds, arbitration courts, bar associations, law offices, the Belarusian notarial chamber, organizations ensuring the conduct of mediation, as well as political parties and other public associations, their unions (associations), unions (associations) for the type (types) of sport created with participation of public associations (public associations).
In order to use this service, you need the portal to go to the "Providing information from the unified state register", choose the submenu "Check for the existence of the entity" and the name (name of individual entrepreneur) and (or) registration number (UNP) to search for the required subject.
The search for the requested entity is given the following information: registration number, the name (corporate, full, abbreviated), date of registration, registering body (to which the subject relates at present), the state (valid, is in the process of liquidation, bankruptcy, excluded from the unified state register, the termination of activities as a result of reorganization), and date of exclusion from the unified state register (in case of exclusion of the subject from the usr).
3. In accordance with the requirement of part one of paragraph 14 of the Regulations on liquidation (termination of activities) of economic entities approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 16 January 2009 No. 1, the Ministry of justice in the global computer network Internet is a list of legal persons (individual entrepreneurs), dissolved in a simplified manner by the decision of the registering authority.
This information is available on the official website of the Ministry of justice (http://www.minjust.by) and inEB portal of the usr.