Normative legal acts
The LAW of the Republic of BELARUS of 9 January 2002, No. 90-Z "On consumer rights protection" (see here)
The LAW of the Republic of BELARUS from August 27, 2008. No. 429-Z "On state regulation of production and turnover of alcoholic, non-food alcohol-containing production and not food ethyl alcohol" (see here)
The LAW of the Republic of BELARUS of 8 January 2014 No. 128-Z "On state regulation of trade and public catering in the Republic of Belarus" (see here)
Dthe SECRET of the PRESIDENT of the Republic of BELARUS of 17 December 2002 № 28 "On state regulation of production, turnover and consumption of tobacco raw materials and tobacco products" (see here)
The decree of the PRESIDENT of the Republic of BELARUS from September 1, 2010 № 450 "On licensing certain types of activities" (see here)
The decree of the PRESIDENT of the Republic of BELARUS of 24 July 2014 № 371 "On creation of state information resources "Register of household services of the Republic of Belarus" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS from June 14, 2002 No. 778 "About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On protection of consumer rights" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS from January 15, 2009 No. 31 "On approval of Rules of implementation of retail trade by samples" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS of 22 July 2014 No. 703 "On approval of Rules of sale of separate kinds of the goods and the execution of public power and the regulation on the procedure of development and approval of the assortment list of goods, the assortment list of products of public catering" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS from July 16, 2014 № 686 "On the establishment and functioning of the markets" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS of 28 November 2014 No. 1108 "About the statement of Regulations about the state information resource "Registry of household services of the Republic of Belarus" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS from December 23, 2014 of No. 1227 "On approval of Provisions on the commercial register of the Republic of Belarus and the Provisions on the definition and method of calculating the proportion of traders in the retail turnover of food products within the boundaries of Minsk, cities of regional subordination, of districts, the annulment of decrees of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and their structural elements" (see here)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS from may 18, 2016, № 391 "About introduction of additions and amendments into resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" (see here)
The list of types of household servicesto be included in state information resource ”Registry of household services of the Republic of Belarus“ (see here)
Rules of consumer services of consumers (as amended by the decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus 02.04.2015 No. 268)
The RESOLUTION of Council of MINISTERS of the Republic of BELARUS of 17 October 2016 № 828 "About modification and additions in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 22 July 2014 No. 703" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of trade of the REPUBLIC of BELARUS of 28 April 2014 № 13 "On approval of the Instruction about the procedure for registration and accounting of accounts prirastet waiters (bartenders) buyers in the objects of obshestvennosti" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS from may 8, 2014 No. 20 "On lists of goods" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS from August 26, 2015 № 24 "On amendments to the decree of the Ministry of trade of the Republic of Belarus from may 8, 2014 No. 20" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS of February 3, 2016 No. 6 "On introducing additions to decree of the Ministry of trade of Republic of Belarus from may 8, 2014 No. 20" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of trade of the REPUBLIC of BELARUS of June 26, 2014 № 25 "About approval of the Instruction about the order of the classification of retail facilities by type and the types" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS from July 29, 2014 № 29 "On approval of the Instruction about the procedure for the classification of public catering facilities by types and classes, establishment of criteria of reference of objects of public catering to classes and unit types and annulment of some resolutions of the Ministry of trade of the Republic of Belarus" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS from July 29, 2014 № 30 "On lists of products and goods" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS from August 25, 2015 No. 23 "On introducing amendments to the decree of the Ministry of trade of the Republic of Belarus from July 29, 2014 No. 30" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of trade of the REPUBLIC of BELARUS of 28 November 2014 No. 37 "About approval of forms of statements necessary for the maintenance of state information resource "Registry of household services of the Republic of Belarus" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of ANTIMONOPOLY REGULATION AND trade of the REPUBLIC of BELARUS from June 5, 2018 No. 46 "On measures for implementation of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of may 14, 2018 No. 351" (see here)
The resolution of the MINISTRY of TRADE of Republic of BELARUS from August 26, 2015 № 25 "On making changes in decree of the Ministry of trade of Republic of Belarus from January 12, 2015 No. 1" (see here)
Methodical recommendations to the owners of the markets (see here)
Guidelines owners of commercial centers (see here)
The requirements of the state sanitary supervision in terms of accommodation and operation of commercial facilities for the sale of goods "Second Hand" (see here)
RECOMMENDATIONS for owners of information resources, sellers in the implementation of e-Commerce (see here)
RECOMMENDATIONS for the organizers of the fairs for the sale of goods on measures to enforce legislation on the protection of the rights of consumers and trade in the implementation of trade fair (see here)
The procedure of the entity in the exercise of public power in catering facility in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from November 23, 2017 No. 7 "On entrepreneurship" (see here)
The decree of the PRESIDENT of the Republic of BELARUS from January 24, 2019 № 2 "About changes in decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus" (see here)