Locations for non-stationary trade objects
In accordance with paragraph 1 of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus from January 8, 2014 "About state regulation of trade and public catering in the Republic of Belarus" placing non-stationary trade objects (trays, vending machines, carts for selling goods, etc.) on the lands of common use of settlements shall be in accordance with the list of places of placing non-stationary trade objects.
The list of places of placing non-stationary trade objects are developed annually in coordination with the district administrations of the city and approved by the decision of the Gomel city Executive Committee.
Place for placing non-stationary trade objects are available through auctions for the right to lease tile (asphalt coating) in accordance with legislation.
Thus, for the placing on the territory of Gomel city non-stationary object within the approved List must:
1) select from the List the location defined for the host interest of non-stationary trade object (annually List and additions to it are published on the official website of the Gomel city Executive Committee http://gomel.gov.by);
2) to appeal to the Homel city Executive Committee, a statement of all tile (asphalt) coatings in rent for placing non-stationary trade object specified by the List;
3) to participate in the auction for the sale of lease rights tile (asphalt) coating (information about the auction is posted on the Internet on the official website of the Gomel city Executive Committee http://gomel.gov.by and in the newspaper "Gomel Gazette");
4) to make information about non-stationary retail facility in the commercial register of the Republic of Belarus (the order of entry in the commercial register of the Republic of Belarus of the application form available on the official website of the Gomel city Executive Committee http://gomel.gov.by in the section: // Economy // Trade and services // commercial register);
5) match the look of non-stationary trade object with the Department of architecture and urban planning Executive Committee Gomel (Gomel, Proletarskaya St., 43) by providing a sketch of the solution of the object with topographic location.
IN the CITY of GOMEL IN 2019 (see here)
The thumbnail tray for seasonal trade in fruit and vegetables (Option 1)
A sketch of the tray of fish trade (Option 2)