Gomel during the occupation
(August 1941-November 1943)
Over 800 days continued occupation of Gomel Nazi troops.
Operationally Gomel was included in the "zone of the army rear" of the army group "Center". Power in the city was in the hands of the command of the 221st division, military field commandant's offices. Gomel garrison numbered over 3,5 thousand soldiers and officers. The city was divided into 6 police districts, each of which consisted of 40 police officers, constable, and police quarterly.Terror became commonplace. Repression in the first place was subjected to the Jewish population. On the territory of Gomel there were 4 ghettos (the total number - more than 4 thousand people). In early November 1941 their population was destroyed.
About 100 thousand people were tortured in the Gomel Central transit camp (Dulag 121).
The city was under curfew. The movement in the city and beyond, in forbidden time dealt with severely. For violation - execution on the spot.
Despite the brutal occupation regime in and around the city began an armed resistance to the invaders. Fight the enemy was headed by the underground regional and city committees of the CP(b)b, headed by Minister of I. P. and E. I. Barykin.
In the underground work in the city was left 62 Communist created 8 databases of weapons, food, medicines, prepared 7 safe houses.
In the underground work was abandoned: former engineer of the factory "Polespechat" T. S. Borodin, teacher train College R. I. timofeyenko, machinist A. T. Brix, head of container plant zhirokombinata E. I. Kalinnikov etc.
Among the first most actively involved in the struggle against the invaders group T. S. Borodin, composed of A. L. Levine, L. I. sulkin, N. With.Zheleznyakov, R. I. timofeyenko, I. B. Shilov, AL.Isachenko, R. P. Gapeev etc.
Under the leadership of the underground operations centre, the head of which was appointed T. S. Borodin, began its activities underground group T. V. Blinkova, E. I. Kalinikova, V. I. Sukhov, D. Y. Naumova, D. E. and Skorina N. In.Pivovarova, etc.
Only in the years of occupation in Gomel acted up to 90 underground groups (about 500 participants). A significant part of the underground were killed. Among them T. S. Borodin, I. B. Shilov, R. I. timofeyenko, AL.Isachenko, N. With.Zheleznyakov, R. P. Gapeev etc. Particularly large losses of the Gomel underground suffered in mid-1942
In early 1943 in the Nazarovskaya forest (3 km from the town) was shot over 200 working steam locomotive and coach repairing plant to actively sabotage the orders of the occupation authorities, factory management.
In late August 1941 in the vicinity of Gomel began to act in a partisan detachment "Bolshevik". The commander was appointed a member of the Civil war (1918-1920), the former Director of repair factory of S. I. Fedoseenko, Commissioner - Secretary of the city Committee of the CP(b)b S. F. Antonov. Thus it was an underground city Committee of CP(b)b, underground city Committee of lksmb.
In October 1943, the unit was transformed into a brigade with the same name. Its membership includes three of the guerrilla group "Bolshevik", "Patriot of the Motherland" them. V. P. Chkalov.
During the period of occupation, the guerrillas just South of the zone Geomelitini destroyed about 7 thousand soldiers and officers, derailed 769 enemy trains, blew up 12983 rail, 418 bridges, destroyed 149 kilometers of Telegraph and telephone networks.