Helpful information
The basic legal acts:
The law of the Republic of Belarus "On public associations" to watch
The law of the Republic of Belarus "On Republican state-public associations" to watch
The law of the Republic of Belarus "On trade unions" to watch
The law of the Republic of Belarus "On political parties" to watch
The resolution of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Belarus from August 30, 2005 № 48 "On approval of regulatory legal acts on registration and examination of documents connected with state registration of political parties, trade unions, other public associations, their unions (associations) and state registration and exclusion from the state journal register, the registration and deregistration of their organizational structures" to download
Attention of public associations!
Homel city Executive Committee informs that in accordance with the requirements of part six of article 24 of the law of the Republic of Belarus "About public associations" public Association, Union annually till March 1, submit to the registering body:
– information on continuation of its activity with indication of location of the governing body;
– lists of members of elected bodies of public Association, Union in which are indicated surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, nationality, place of residence and home phone number, place of work (study) and office phone number, position in these elective bodies and date of election of each member and the relevant protocols. In the case of changes in the composition of elected bodies of public Association, Union necessary information is presented to the appropriate registering body within ten days from the date of such decision;
– information on the number of the public Association, its organizational structures, composition of Union;
– information on the events held for statutory purposes by public Association, Union during the year.
Please organizational structures of public associations to provide the above information to the Department of ideological work, culture and youth Affairs Gomel city Executive Committee
The list of documents
The list of documents required for state registration, putting on record of organizational structure of public enterprises
1. statement on state registration, statement on the account of the organizational structure of the Association, signed by at least three members of the governing body, in the prescribed form according to appendices 8, 9 to the decision of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
2. the decision body of the Union on the establishment of the organizational structure of enterprises, which must be specified, is whether the organizational structure of enterprises with rights of legal entity;
3. copies of the certificate on the state registration of the enterprises and the Charter of the Association, certified by a notary or by the head (Deputy head) of the Association;
4. lists of members of elective bodies of organizational structure of enterprises with the indication of their positions in these organs form;
5. the document confirming presence of the legal address of the organizational structure of the Association (letter of guarantee and (or) other document confirming the right to place governing body the organizational structure of the enterprises specified in the document address in the case of registration or state registration in the prescribed manner) an approximate form of the letter of guarantee;
6. Bank document confirming payment of the state fee;
7. the document confirming powers of the member of the Association to represent the interests of enterprises in the process of state registration, putting on record of organizational structure of enterprises.
The list of documents required for state registration, putting on record of organizational structures of trade unions
1. statement of the governing body in the prescribed form according to appendices 8, 9 to the decision of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
2. copy of state registration certificate and Charter of the Union, certified by a notary or by the head (Deputy head) of the trade Union;
3. the decision on granting of the organizational structure of the trade Union in a certain status, if required by the rules of the Union;
4. lists of members of elective bodies of organizational structure of the trade Union with the indication of their positions in these organs form;
5. the document confirming presence of the legal address of the organizational structure of the Union (letter of guarantee and (or) other document confirming the right to place the governing body of the organizational structure of the trade Union stated in the document to the address in the case of its state registration or of registration in the prescribed manner) an approximate form of the letter of guarantee;
6. the document confirming payment of the state fee.
The list of documents required for amending the Charter
1. the statement, signed by not less than three members of the governing body of Association, about modification and (or) supplements to the journal of state registration and putting on record of organizational structures of unions in the prescribed form according to appendices 14, 15 to the decree of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
2. copies of the certificate on the state registration of the enterprises and the Charter of the Association, certified by a notary or by the head (Deputy head) of the Association;
3. the certificate on the state registration, statement on the account of the organizational structure of enterprises;
4. the Protocol or extract from the minutes of the meeting of the competent body of the Association, made the decision on introduction of changes and (or) additions into the Charter of Association.
The list of documents provided at the change of the legal address of the organizational structure of enterprises
The statement, signed by not less than three members of the governing body of the unions of associations in the prescribed form according to appendices 14, 15 to the decree of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
- the certificate on state registration, statement on the account of the organizational structure of enterprises;
- the Protocol or extract from the minutes of the meeting of the competent authority of enterprises (organizational structure of enterprises), who took the decision to change the legal address of the organizational structure of enterprises;
- a document confirming the right to place the governing body of the organizational structure of enterprises to the new address.
The list of documents required for issuing the duplicate of the lost (stolen) documents
the statement, signed by the three members of the governing body of the Association according to Annex 16 to the decree of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
the minutes of the meeting of the governing body of the Association on the fact of loss (theft) of original documents;
– certificates, statements and other materials confirming the fact of loss (theft) of original documents;
– the document confirming powers of the member of the Association to represent the interests of enterprises in the process of obtaining duplicate documents.
The list of documents required for issuance of duplicate certificates to replace mechanically damaged original documents
the statement, signed by the three members of the governing body of the Association according to Annex 16 to the decree of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
the minutes of the meeting of the governing body of the Association on the fact of the replacement of original documents;
- the original mechanically damaged document;
- the document confirming powers of the member of the Association to represent the interests of enterprises in the process of obtaining duplicate documents.
The list of documents required for expulsion from the log of the state registration, deregistration of the organizational structure of the public Association
1. disclaimer from the journal of state registration, deregistration of the organizational structure of the Association, signed by at least three members of its governing body in the prescribed form in accordance with annexes 19, 20 to the decree of the Ministry of justice No. 48 application form;
2. the decision of the competent authority of the enterprises on the liquidation of the organizational structure of enterprises;
3. the certificate on the state registration, statement on the account of the organizational structure of enterprises;
4. the document confirming the surrender of the organizational structure of the Association, endowed with legal entity, seals and stamps to the internal Affairs bodies;
5. certificate of the tax authority about the calculation of the organizational structure of enterprises with rights of legal entity, budget and return of notice of assignment of the account number of the payer;
6. proof of publication in mass media of the notice of liquidation of the organizational structure of enterprises with rights of legal entity, and the deadline for acceptance of the claims of creditors;
7. the liquidation balance of the organizational structure, endowed with rights of legal entity;
8. the document confirming powers of the member of the Association to represent the interests of enterprises in the process of elimination of the organizational structure of enterprises from the journal of state registration, deregistration.
In accordance with Appendix 22 to the Tax code of the Republic of Belarus (Special part) the state duty rates are:
– for the state registration of organizational structures of political parties, professional unions, other public associations, Republican state-public associations endowed with legal entities – 0.2 basic units;
for registration of organizational structures of political parties, professional unions, other public associations, Republican state-public associations not being legal persons – a 0.1 basic units.
The parent organization for the activities of public associations and other nonprofit organizations:
The Directorate of non-profit organizations of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Belarus
The Department of justice of Gomel regional Executive Committee