Information about organizational structures and OO
INFORMATION about the organizational structures of public associations, registered (put on records) in the Gomel city Executive Committee
The name of the organizational structure of enterprises |
The aims of the Association |
The legal address of the organizational structure of enterprises |
Gomel city Association of organizations of trade unions Federation of trade unions of Belarus |
The increase in standard of living, material well-being of Union members and their families. |
246050,Gomel |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Republican youth Union" |
Creation of conditions for comprehensive development of young people, disclosing its creative potential, promote development in the Republic of Belarus civil society based on Patriotic and spiritual and moral values of the Belarusian people |
246050, Gomel, Sovetskaya St., 58 so 33-05-56 |
Gomel city organizational structure of the Republican state-public Association "Belarus society "Knowledge" |
Dissemination of scientific knowledge, strengthening of their influence on the development of innovative thinking and social activity of citizens, adoption of healthy lifestyles, maintenance of stability and the civil consent in the Republic of Belarus |
246001, Gomel, Proletarskaya St., 69.Tel/Fax (0232) 21-22-86, 73-01-55,73 29 20 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Republican pioneer organization" |
To help every pioneer to become a Citizen, their deeds and actions to benefit himself, his family, Home. |
246050 Gomel, St. Peasant, 14, of. 21 |
Gomel city organization of the Belarusian public Association of veterans |
Protection of the constitutional rights and freedoms of veterans, pensioners and the elderly; the decision of problems of the veteran movement. |
246050 Gomel, Baumana str., 8, T. 75 53 51 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Union of officers" |
Consolidation of officers, the preservation and augmentation of traditions of the officers ' fraternity, the transfer of service and combat experience of officers in reserve and retired military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of Belarus; protection and advocacy of rights and legal interests of the members of the BSO, helping to sustain a decent standard of living for the officers and members of their families, with priority and special nature of military service. |
246027, Gomel, B. Khmelnitskogo str., 73 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Union of veterans of war in Afghanistan" |
Protection of the constitutional rights and freedoms, legal interests of the members of the NGO "BSWA" to improve their material situation, housing conditions, health, household, shopping and other services, unconditional observance against them of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on pension provision, social services and protection of people with disabilities, families of martyrs and deceased veterans themselves fighting on the territory of other States, providing them with information and advice; participation in the implementation of socially important state projects and programs |
246050 Gomel, street Artema, 8 T. 74 95 29 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian consumer protection society" |
The protection of rights and legal interests of consumers in meeting their requirements for high-quality consumer goods (works, services) |
246000, Gomel, Irininskaya str. str., 21B, office. 3-4, |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian society of the visually impaired" |
Increasing the level and quality of life the visually impaired |
246007, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 198 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Association of assistance to disabled children and young people with disabilities" |
Promote the establishment of children and young people with disabilities are equal with other citizens opportunities to participate in all spheres of society, rehabilitation, their integration into society |
Gomel, St. Leszczynski, D. 2A |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Association of parents with many children" |
Social and material protection of large families |
246050, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 218 |
Primary organization "Gomel" Republican charity public Association "lions Club" |
Providing social and charitable assistance to children, families, the elderly, the disabled and other socially vulnerable categories of the population who find themselves in unfavorable material and social, family environment, support and assistance to state agencies and public organizations in the sphere of social protection, health and education |
Gomel, street Top, d. 11 |
Gomel city branch of the Belarusian public Association "Republic without drugs" |
Attracting public attention to the problems of drug abuse, the initiation and organization of events of prophylactic and preventive nature |
Gomel, St. Peasant, 40A/1 |
The primary organization of the Republican public Association "Central office of alcoholics anonymous" |
Helps to overcome alcoholism persons suffering from dependence on alcohol, based on the Program "12 steps" of alcoholics anonymous, the development of the traditions and principles of a sober lifestyle, charitable assistance to those suffering from alcoholism in the adoption of a healthy lifestyle and sobriety as a norm of behavior |
246023, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 118 hotline: vol. 8(029)230-90-40 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian society of nature protection" |
Organization of active participation in maintaining a favorable ecological situation, attraction of it to practical actions for the protection and enhancement of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations |
246050 Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 21A |
Gomel city branch of the Belarusian youth public organization of rescuers-firemen |
Civil and Patriotic education, the training of safety the younger generation, the popularization and the teaching profession lifeguard-fire and bring the youth to ensure safety, environmental protection, disclosure of creative abilities of youth, charitable |
246043 Gomel, Vladimirov str., 43 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Federation of Aikido" |
Spread Aikido among the population of the Republic of Belarus as a practice of moral and physical discipline aimed at the full development of the individual; promotion of healthy lifestyle |
Gomel, g/p Kostyukovka, 2-y pereulok Chapaeva, 30 |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "Belarusian weightlifting Union" |
The combined efforts of the members for the improvement and development of weightlifting in the Republic of Belarus |
Gomel, Avenue of Cosmonauts, 49, room 18 |
Gomel city Federation public Association "Belarusian Federation of field hockey" |
The development of field hockey in the Republic of Belarus, strengthening of positions and increase its prestige in the international arena |
246022 Gomel, Victory Ave, 19, K. 309 |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "Belarusian Federation of unarmed combat" |
The promotion of a unified state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, development and promotion of unarmed combat as a sport that promotes physical, moral and Patriotic education of the younger generation and adults |
Gomel, ul. Volgogradskaya, d. 14, office 115 |
Gomel city branch of the Republican public Association "Legal initiative" |
Assistance to construction in the Republic of Belarus social, democratic, rule of law, increasing legal culture of the Belarusian civilan |
246000, Gomel, Polesskaya str, 52 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Association of journalists" |
Promoting the realization of civil, economic, social, cultural and professional rights and legitimate interests of members of the NGO, their creative self-realization and growth of professional skill, creation of conditions for freedom of speech and press, the right to unimpeded acquisition, storage and dissemination of information |
246050, Gomel, Irininskaya str., 21-B, K. 3-4 |
The primary organization of the Gomel public Association "Belarusian Association of young Christian women" |
Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young women – members of the NGO "BamHI"; facilitating the disclosure of personal potential of young women in society; the moral and spiritual revival of society. |
Gomel, str Selezneva, d. 23, kV 3 |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "Belarusian library Association" |
Full support to the formation of optimal conditions for development of librarianship; protection of rights and legitimate interests of the members OO the "BBA"; promoting professional and social development of the members of OO "of BBA" |
246050, Gomel, Victory square, 2A |
Gomel garadsky Argentaria gromadskii AB ednannia the "fellowship of the Belarusian language of Francis Skaryna" |
Adnane ¡gramadztva Stalina Yes rodnay movy Yak Yes, the national swatin, passerende jaja zytko VA sh areas gizza Respublika Belarus, sebakova razza I zachowane jaja cuscn I samobytnost, Suzanne zabezpeceny her RealAge status zargari language society. |
Gomel, str Prana, 7a, K. 14 |
Gomel city branch of the Republican public Association "Belarusian Union of literary "Polotsk branch" |
Promote the development and enrichment of national culture, propaganda of literary works of the members of the NGO to identify and unite the literary gifted persons |
246028 Gomel, golovatskogo str., 21 |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "Belarusian Association of cat fanciers "Felinolog" |
Instilling in the public a sense of love and respect for cats and nature in General |
246050 Gomel, Pushkin str., 14 |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "Union of poles in Belarus" |
Promote the revival and development of Polish culture, national revival and national identity formation |
246000 Gomel, Plekhanova, 41 |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "all-Belarusian United Cossacks" |
Development and promotion of the Cossacks in the Republic of Belarus, protection of rights and legitimate interests of its members |
246007 Gomel, TRANS. Builders, 4A |
Gomel city non-governmental organization of Ukrainians "Verkhovyna" of the Belarusian public Association of Ukrainians "Vatra" |
National and cultural revival of Ukrainians; the preservation and development of Ukrainian language, culture and folk traditions |
Gomel, Barykina str., d. 206, K. 15 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "Belarusian Union of veterans of the border service" |
Providing soldiers and workers dismissed on a pension, comprehensive assistance and support in adapting to new living conditions in liaison with the border service, active participation in veterans ' organizations |
Gomel, street Borisenko, 20 |
Gomel city organization of the Belarusian public organization of veterans housing and communal services |
The preservation, enrichment and enhancement of the historical and industrial traditions of the system of housing and communal services |
246050 Gomel, Sovetskaya street, 12 |
Gomel city branch of "Belarusian Association of veterans of special forces of interior Ministry troops "Honor" |
The organization and provision of rehabilitation and social protection of veterans of special forces of interior Ministry troops, protection of rights and legitimate interests of its members, providing assistance to existing units of special purpose in their activities to strengthen the rule of law |
246020 Gomel, Sosnovaya str., 18, room 11 |
Gomel city organization of the public Association "liberal-democratic Belarusian youth Union" |
Revival among the youth Patriotic ideology based on love for the Republic of Belarus, high spirituality, moral ideals of loyalty, courage and bravery |
246050 Gomel, Lange str., 17, K. 20 |
Gomel city organization of the Republican public Association "Lenin Communist Union of youth of Belarus" |
Promoting the construction in Belarus of a society based on the principles of democracy and freedom, social justice and social progress, patriotism and internationalism |
246004, Gomel, PR. Kosmonavtov, 15 |
Gomel city branch of the Belarusian public Association "Federation of table tennis" |
The development of table tennis in the city of Gomel, promoting physical culture and sport in harmonious development of personality, formation of healthy lifestyle. |
246006 Gomel |
Gomel city branch of the Belarusian public organization of veterans of bodies and divisions on emergency situations "the Rescue" |
The combined efforts of veterans of bodies and divisions on emergency situations for the realization of their civil, economic, social, cultural and other rights and providing them with comprehensive support. |
246028, Gomel |
Gomel regional branch of public organization "APB-BirdLife Belarus" |
The protection of biodiversity and engaging the public in active conservation |
246027, Gomel, PR-t Rechitsa, 7a, building 1. |
Gomel city branch of the public Association "League of Communist youth" |
The Union of socialist-minded youth for active participation in building a society of social justice and progress. |
246050, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 28, building 60 |
For additional information, contact the Department of ideological work, culture and youth Affairs on the phone 33-79-45