City Association of trade unions
Gomel city Association of organizations of trade unions
Address: 246042, Gomel city, Sovetskaya street, 29, office 318
Contact phone – 8(0232) 74 32 99
Official website of the Federation of trade unions of Belarus:
Official site of the Gomel regional Association of trade unions:
Chairman of the Gomel city Association of trade unions
Khodachenko Margarita
The goals and objectives of activities of the Gomel city Association of trade unions:
- strengthening solidarity and unity of the trade Union movement in the city of Gomel, the development of common tactics located on the territory of trade Union organizations in collaboration with regional and regional trade Union structures, the creation of new trade Union organizations, including the private sector;
- coordination of activity of primary trade-Union organizations, organizational structures of trade unions in the territory of the city of Gomel, to implement the objectives and tasks of the FPB, of the decisions of their governing bodies, its member organizations;
- representation and protection of interests of FPB, regional Association of trade unions, protection of interests of the members in the FTUB organizations on the territory of the city;
- protection of labour and socio-economic rights and interests of trade Union members, including in the resolution of collective and individual labor disputes;
- organization and implementation of public control of trade unions for compliance with legislation of the Republic of Belarus on labor and labor protection, and other types of social control envisaged by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus "On trade unions" and other normative legal acts;
- the conclusion of local agreements, exercise control over their implementation.
The composition of the Presidium of Council of Gomel city Association of trade unions:
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of the municipal unitary enterprise "Gomel city mill school meals"
Khodachenko Margarita |
the Chairman of the Gomel city Association of trade unions |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 32 99 74 |
Strizhak Tatiana |
the Chairman of the Railway district of Gomel organization of the Belarusian trade Union of workers of education and science; Deputy Chairman of the Gomel city Association of trade unions |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 33 61 85 |
Samonova Irina |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of the Gomel branch of RUE "Belpochta" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 79 69 35 |
Trotsenko Elena |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of RUE RTC "TV and radio company "Gomel" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 34 27 65 |
Ivanchenko Natalia |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of the Gomel city Executive Committee |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 75 44 93 |
Chernyshev Tatiana Evgenievna |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of the Institution "Gomel regional children's clinical hospital" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 34 89 29 |
The Swede Ivan Nikiforovich |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of OJSC "Gomselmash" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 59 22 94 |
Shaporova Olga V. |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 63 84 80 |
Filipovic Lilia M. |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of the JV JSC "Spartak" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 30 44 16 |
Gatalsky Sergey Ivanovich |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organizations of individual entrepreneurs and employees of microorganizations in the city of Gomel trade Union "sadruzhnasts" |
contact phone: 8 (029) 6925722вел. |
Golovin Lydia Aleksandrovna |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of OJSC "Gomeldrev" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 25 51 73 |
Svetlana Shchetinina V. |
the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization of the Gomel branch of RUE "Beltelecom" |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 70 15 70 |
Sazonova Natalia Valentinovna |
the Chairman of Central regional Committee of the Gomel regional organization of the Belarusian trade Union of workers of education and science |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 34 02 66 |
Dobrovol'skaya Valentina |
the Chairman of the Committee Navabelitski district of Homel regional organization of the Belarusian trade Union of workers of education and science |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 36 13 85 |
Shaporova Natalya Fyodorovna |
the Chairman of the Soviet district Committee of the Gomel regional organization of the Belarusian trade Union of workers of education and science |
contact phone: 8 (0232) 40 64 25 |
Documents that should be in every primary trade Union organization:
- The program of the FTUB's activities in 2015-2020
- Resolution of the VII Congress of trade unions "On promoting the development of tourism and SANATORNO-resort treatment"
- Resolution of the VII Congress of Federation "About the youth policy of trade unions"
- Resolution of the VII Congress of Federation "About development of social partnership and problems of trade Union organizations to improve standard of living for workers"
- Resolution of the VII Congress of Federation "On organizational and personnel strengthening of trade unions"
- Resolution of the VII Congress of Federation "On the strengthening of international solidarity and unity of the trade Union movement"
- Resolutions of the Gomel city Council of the organizations of trade unions (November 21, 2017.)
- Resolution of the Council of the Gomel city Association of trade Union organizations (14 February 2018.)
- Resolution of the Council of the Gomel city Association of trade Union organizations (February 27, 2019.)
- Guidelines and materials for the development of collective contracts in 2016
- Recommendations for leaders of organizations active use of forms and methods of moral and material incentives for workers, leading a healthy way of life, engaged in physical culture and sports
- Memo to the Chairman of the trade Union and public inspectors on labor protection
Taup "Belarusturist"
UE "Belprofsoyuzkurort"
A private sanatorium unitary enterprise "Belprofsoyuzkurort" invites everyone in the sanatorium, located on the banks of rivers and lakes, in pine forests and oak forests of Belarus. Mineral water and therapeutic mud, electrophototherapy and massage, showers and baths, physiotherapy and sauna, physiotherapy and path, climatotherapy helps You to restore vitality, relieve physical and psychological fatigue.
Held the annual event for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus for the sale of vouchers for the summer period in sanatoria of Federation of trade unions of Belarus. The promotion is valid from 1 March to 30 April.
The citizens of Belarus are offered vouchers in rooms of different comfort level. Enjoy discounts of 25% for the following categories of citizens:
members of unions affiliated to the FPB, the acquisition SANATORNO-resort permits at the expense of own funds and the funds of those organizational structures of trade unions and (or) employers;
- children of members of unions affiliated to the FPB, the number of children of preschool age and students of institutions of secondary education in rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment with their parents.
The basis for the discount is a certificate of membership in the trade Union organization of the FPB, issued by the Chairman of the primary trade Union organization or a letter of guarantee of the trade Union organization of the FPB (in the case of a partial or full payment for the issued health account). The necessary condition of booking places in sanatoriums is a 25% payment of the cost of each tour in the period 30.04. In the case of non-payment of the declared places, the voucher remains the property of the sanatorium and from 02.05. exhibited in the free market.