Lenin square, 20
Building of Lenin ave.,
Gomel, Lenin ave., 20
House № 20 is a four-storey volume of an L-shaped plan. The composition of the main facade has a symmetrical structure and is divided into three tiers by profiled cornices.
The lower tier – the first floor – has a deep horizontal rustication and a number of arched showcase windows and rectangular doorways with blind round medallions above them. The middle tier – the second and third floors – with a shallow rectangular rustication and proportionally distributed four decorative portals. They are flanked by blades with panels and completed with a loosened cornice. The accents are the balconies of the third floor on stepped consoles bounded by balustrades. Their desudeports are decorated with rosettes in a vegetable frame. The windows on both sides of the balconies have profiled window sills with metal grilles. The sandricks are the plates and consoles of the balconies of the fourth floor with metal fences. The upper tier – the fourth floor – is smoothly plastered, the rhythm is set by alternating rectangular windows and balconies, completed with a complex cornice with dentils, ionics and modulons.
The facade from the side of the park named after P.O. Sukhoi was solved in a similar way. It is complemented by two symmetrical 1-storey volumes with arched windows and vases at the corners. There are losses of decor and alterations.
Lenin Avenue began to form in the XIX century . It received its name in 1960 . Pre-revolutionary buildings during the Second World War were almost completely destroyed. New houses appeared in its place, forming an integral architectural ensemble.
House № 20 was built in 1956 according to the project of the Institute «Belgosproekt» (arch. Shalom Ionovich Khinchin, personally and co-authored participated in the development of projects of civil buildings in Gomel). It is part of the block on the even side of Lenin Avenue, bounded by Karpovich and Krestyanskaya Streets, and together with houses № 22 and 24 forms a composition with a kurdoner and a square.

Lenin avenue.A fragment of the decor of house № 20. Photo 2016.
Lenin avenue.A fragment of the decor of house № 20. Photo 2023.