Lenin square, 23
Building of Lenin ave.,
Gomel, Lenin ave., 23
Building № 23 on ave . Lenin is a rectangular in plan 4-storey volume. The base is treated with deep rust, imitating large masonry. In the left part there is a passage to the courtyard. The decoration of the courtyard facade is modest.
The main facade is plastered. The entrance group imitates a portal consisting of double fluted Corinthian pilasters under entablatures connected by a complex archivolt with floral ornament. Cartouches with a 5-terminal star are placed between the pilasters. The rectangular desudeport is decorated with bas-reliefs with a vase and fruits under a vegetable garland.
The design of balconies adds dynamics to the facade. On the 3rd floor they are decorated with balustrades and corner tables with reliefs of flowers in flowerpots. The cantilever plate is complemented by rows of s and dentils, caissons. On the fourth floor, the balconies have wrought-iron fences of geometric pattern. Verticals with extreme balconies are highlighted by pilasters with Corinthian capitals. The facade is completed with a cornice with ovals and modulons, above which there is a balustrade parapet.
The harbinger of pr . Lenin became Rechitskaya Street – the most crowded in the XVI – XVIII centuries. The avenue itself began to take shape in the XIX century, when M. P. Rumyantsev began work on the redevelopment of the city. After the appearance of the railway in Gomel, Zamkovaya Street (the name at the end of the XIX century) became a beam connecting two city squares – Cathedral (now Lenin) and Railway station.
The street became an avenue in 1960. Before that, it was Lunacharsky street (1923 – mid-1930s), Komsomolskaya street (until 1960). During the Great Patriotic War, it was almost completely destroyed. The new development has created a fairly integral architectural ensemble. In the design of the exteriors, the motifs of classicism and rich decor with Soviet symbols were combined. The project of house № 23 was developed by Gomel architect Natalia Grigorievna Kalinichenko in 1954. Construction was carried out in 1958 – 1960s, and in I960 it was put into operation as a dormitory of a road construction college. The functional purpose of the building has not changed until today.
Lenin avenue, house № 23. Photo 2013
Lenin avenue, house № 23.