Lenin square, 27
Building of Lenin ave.,
Gomel, Lenin ave., 27
Building № 27 is brick, three-storey, rectangular in plan. The decorative decoration of the facade of the house is restrained. The central axis of the main facade is highlighted by the entrance group. The windows of the second and third floors above the high doorway are flanked by blades with geometric ornaments.
The division into tiers of the main facade is marked by a narrow cornice. The lower tier – the first floor – is additionally highlighted with a ribbon rustication. The dynamics of the first floor are also given by high showcase windows on the right side. The upper tier – the second and third floors – has a smoothly plastered wall. The windows of the second floor are emphasized by profiled traction. The center of the left and right parts is highlighted by balconies with wrought–iron balustrades (on the second floor – with narrow diamonds, on the third - with wider ones). The upper belt of the balustrades is decorated with a meander. The facade is completed by a profiled cornice with modulons.
Lenin Avenue (since 1960, formerly Zamkovaya Street (the end of the XIX century), Lunacharsky (since 1923), Komsomolskaya (since the 1930s)) was almost completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The new building formed a fairly integral architectural ensemble, which became a showcase of the «Stalinist Empire».
In the order of the Office of the chief architect of the city of Gomel in 1947, it was noted that it was necessary to restore a 2-storey house at Komsomolskaya st.45 (now Lenin ave., 27 ). Consequently, the building already existed before the war. In 1948, the reconstruction project of the house was approved, developed by the design team of the Design Bureau «Dnepro-Dvinsk River Shipping Company» (Chief Architect B.A. Borisov). It was planned to preserve both its original number of storeys and all the architectural features of its former Art Nouveau style. It was planned to place retail premises on the ground floor.
The house was put into operation in 1949. However, the need to solve an acute housing issue, as well as the struggle with architectural excesses, which began in the mid-1950s, led to the fact that the building underwent significant exterior changes. In 1958, the third floor was added.