Lenin square, 45
Building Lenin ave.,
Gomel, Lenin ave., 45
House № 45 is located on the corner from Karpovich street and has an L-shaped composition in the plan. The building is four-storeyed with an increase to five floors in the corner part.
The street facades are decorated solemnly. They are divided into two tiers: the lower – 1st-3rd floors – rusticated, the upper – smooth-plastered, delimited by a profiled cornice. The first floor with shops is distinguished by double storefront windows with semi-columns connecting rusticated decorative archivolts with images on the lunettes of cornucopias girdled with ribbons. Vertically the facades are separated by stylized compositions-porticos. On the first tier, they are formed by tripled pilasters with horizontal rustication, which are torn apart by an entablature in the wall of the 2-3 floors. On the upper tier, the vertical continues with a portico with narrower Corinthian pilasters on the sides and an arch in the center.
The corner part of the house stands out on the lower tier due to the corner pilaster, on the upper – a beveled corner, an attic 5th floor, as well as a corner balcony with elements of a portico resting on a console with Baroque motifs. Restrained accents of the facades are the balconies of the 4th floor with wrought-iron fences with floral motifs. Along the street facades there is a profiled cornice, on the 5th floor - with dentils.
Lenin avenue – the main thoroughfare of the city of Gomel – connects the historical center of the city with the railway station. It began to form in the XIX century, but during the Great Patriotic War it was almost completely destroyed. The post-war development formed a fairly integral architectural ensemble, united by the motifs of classicism and decor with Soviet symbols. House № 45 on ave . Lenin is a typical example of residential architecture of the 1950s with built-in social facilities. It was built in 1959. Now the building houses, in addition to residential apartments, the education department of the administration of the Railway district of Gomel, shops, workshops of the NGO «Belarusian Union of Artists», etc.
Lenin Avenue, house № 45 (left) Photo of the 1960s. From the archive of JSC «Gomelgrazhdanproekt».
Lenin avenue, house № 45. Photo 2016
Corner of Lenin avenue and Karpovich street. Building on Lenin ave ., 45.
Photo of the 2010s.
Lenin avenue, house № 45. A fragment of the facade. Photo 2016