Lenin square, 63
Building Lenin ave.,
Gomel, Lenin ave., 63
House № 63 is located on the corner of Station Square and Pobedy Avenue, has a trapezoidal shape in plan. The corner parts are shallow risalites. The street facades are divided into two tiers, and the lower (1st-2nd floors) is decorated with deep rustication, separated by profiled traction. Under the roof there is a profiled cornice and a belt of dentils.
The main attention when finishing the lower tier from the side of the Station Square was paid to the window-bay windows on the 1st floor. They are decorated in the form of trapezoidal porticos on semi-columns covered with wide entablatures. They are combined with portals-entrances from the side of the square and showcase bay window rectangular windows of the corner parts.
The main accent of the upper tier was the decor of the risalites. Their axes of symmetry are determined by plastic imitations of three-part porticos. Their side parts (3rd floor) are window frames made of pilasters with panels and wide profiled sandricks. They flank an arch with an archivolt (4th floor) with geometric ornament, supported by composite pilasters. The wall between the 3-4 floors is decorated with a round medallion, the balcony on the 3rd floor is decorated with a metal fence. The same arches are repeated on the central part of the upper tier, but without balconies, which are located here according to the corresponding report.
Lenin avenue connects the historical center of the city with the railway station. The street began to form in the XIX century, during the Great Patriotic War it was almost completely destroyed. The post-war building is a fairly integral architectural ensemble in the style of the so-called «Stalinist Empire».
The house is a typical example of residential architecture of the 1950s with built-in social facilities. Its project was developed by the architect Valentin Filippovich Zhdanovich in a single complex with the Station Square. The construction was completed in 1958, the house was commissioned in 1960 for the workers of the Gomel Electrotechnical Plant. Now there are several retail outlets on the 1st floor.

Lenin avenue, house № 63. View from the Privokzalnaya square. Photo 1980s From the archive of JSC «Gomelgrazhdanproekt»
Lenin аvenue, house № 63. View from the Privokzalnaya square. Photo 2012.
Lenin avenue, house № 63. A fragment of the decor of the corner part of the building.Photo 2012.
Lenin аvenue, house № 63. View from the Privokzalnaya square. Photo 2023.