State enterprise "Gomelvodokanal"
246027, Gomel, Barykin str., 149
reception phone/Fax 30-06-67
Working time from 8.00 to 17.00 lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00
Utility surveying unitary enterprise "Gomelvodokanal" (State enterprise "Gomelvodokanal") is a public organization subordinated to the land administration of the Gomel city Executive Committee.
State enterprise "Gomelvodokanal" will perform the following activities:
the establishment (restoration) of boundaries of land granted in the prescribed manner;
topographic surveying;
update topoplan and maps;
Executive geodetic survey and preparation of as-built drawings of underground utilities;
geodesic breakdown of axes;
construction of geodetic networks;
leveling II, III and IV classes;
engineering and land surveying of linear structures (roads, Railways, pipelines, power lines and communications);
a breakdown of the location of mine workings with their horizontal and vertical reference;
the Stakeout projects, planning of territories of building and separate facilities;
the Stakeout of the construction axes, the dimensions of buildings and structures;
basic and detailed center.
The work carried out by the State enterprise "Gomelvodokanal" are chargeable and are carried out on a contractual basis at prices approved by the State Committee on property of the Republic of Belarus.
Chikin Alexander
tel 30-24-77
Burakov Alexander
chief accountant
tel 30-19-42
Taking orders: tel 30-13-67