The Department of registration of acts of civil status
The LIST of administrative procedures carried out by the Department of registration of acts of civil status of the Gomel city Executive Committee
(246050 Gomel, Irininskaya str, 11)
Mode of operation:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8-00 to 17-00 break from 13-00 14-00
Wednesday 11-00 to 20-00, on a break from 14-00 till 15-00
Saturday from 8-30 to 16-30, lunchtime.
Weekends: Sunday, Monday.
Head of Department
Klimkova Olga Olegovna
Personal reception of citizens on Tuesday from 8-00 to 13-00
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
26.04.2010, № 200
Procedure 5.1.
Birth registration
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. passports or other identity documents of the parents (parent) of the applicant (with the exception of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship applying for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus, and foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship who have been granted subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus);
3. the certificate of registration of application for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens and persons without citizenship applying for refugee status or additional protection in the Republic of Belarus;
4. certificate to provide additional protection in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who have been granted subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus;
5. a medical certificate of birth or copy of the judgment establishing the fact of birth;
6. the document that is the basis for recording information about the father of the child in the recording of the birth act (a joint statement from the child's parents are not married among themselves, a copy of a judgment of paternity) in the case that the child's parents are married to each other.
In the case of registration of birth from the mother, claiming that her husband is not the father of the child in addition to these documents, the citizens present:
7. a statement of the child's mother confirming that her husband is not the father of the child, passport or other document proving the identity of the actual father of the child, a statement of the spouse of the mother of the child confirming that he is not the father of the child, the joint statement of the mother and the actual father of the child on the registration of paternity in the case of registration of birth from the mother, claiming that her husband is not the father of the child
The time when the document is 2 days from the date of filing of application with the solemn registration of the birth - 3 days, with simultaneous registration of birth, paternity and marriage – on the day of registration of marriage, and in the case of a request for information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations-1 month
Fee for birth registration is not charged.
The validity of the document is undated
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.2.
The registration of marriage
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. joint statement of the persons entering into marriage;
2. passports or other identity documents of persons entering into marriage;
3. announcement lowering the age of marriage, the decision of bodies of guardianship and guardianship or a copy of a court decision declaring the minor completely capable (emancipation), medical certificate about state of health (confirming pregnancy) persons entering into a marriage, for persons under 18 years of age;
4. a statement of the persons entering into marriage, of shortening the duration of the marriage, indicating the special circumstances requiring the reduction of the term of the marriage, and the documents that are the basis for the decline of this period in the case of reducing the period of the marriage;
5. a statement of the persons entering into marriage, stating valid reasons why they can not arrive to the registry office to register the marriage in the case of registration of marriage outside the civil registry office;
6. a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of a condition in actual marriage relations arising prior to July 8, 1944., - in case of registration of marriage on the basis of such
the decision of the court;
7. the document confirming the payment
In addition to these documents by persons entering into marriage, shall be submitted:
Citizens Of The Republic Of Belarus:
9. a residence permit issued by the competent authority of the state of habitual residence, in case the citizen of the Republic of Belarus permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus;
10. document about the absence of a registered marriage with another person issued by the competent authority of the state of habitual residence, in case the citizen of the Republic of Belarus permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus;
11. documents confirming the termination of previous marriage (with the exception of documents issued by the Registrar's office of the Republic of Belarus) in case of termination of marriage.
Foreign nationals and stateless persons (except foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship who have been granted refugee status or asylum in the Republic of Belarus):
12. document about the absence of a registered marriage with another person issued by the competent authority of the state of residence of a foreign citizen, person without citizenship (the validity of this document is 6 months);
13. document about the absence of a registered marriage with another person issued by the competent authority of the state of nationality of the foreign citizen in the case of ESLforeign nationals not resident in the territory of the state of nationality (the validity of this document is 6 months);
14. a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage, issued by the competent authority of the state in whose territory the marriage is terminated in case of termination of the marriage;
Foreign citizens and stateless persons granted refugee status or asylum in the Republic of Belarus:
15. a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage, issued by the competent authority of the state in whose territory the marriage is terminated (with the exception of documents issued by the Registrar's office of the Republic of Belarus) in case of termination of marriage.
The period of issuing of the document – from 3 days to 3 months from the date of application.
The fees charged for the registration of marriage - 1 base amount.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
26.04.2010, № 200
Procedure 5.3.
Registration of establishment of paternity
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. joint application of parents on establishment of paternity or the registration statement of paternity on the basis of a judgment of paternity;
1. passports or other identity documents of the applicants (applicant);
2. birth certificate of the child if the birth registration has previously been made;
3. written consent of an adult in respect of whom the registration of paternity, in the case of registration of establishment of paternity in respect of a person of full age;
4. copy of the judgment of paternity in the case of registration of establishment of paternity by court order.
The time when the document is 2 days from the date of submission of the application, while the ceremonial registration of birth and registration of establishment of paternity is 3 days, with simultaneous registration of birth, paternity and marriage – on the day of registration of marriage, upon the filing of the joint statement until the baby is born – the day of registration of the birth of the child, and in the case of a request for information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations - 1 month.
The fee for registration of establishment of paternity is not charged.
The validity of the document is undated
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
26.04.2010, № 200
Procedure 5.4.
Registration of the establishment of motherhood
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other identity document;
3. birth certificate of the child;
4. a copy of the court decision on the establishment of maternity;
5. written consent of an adult in respect of which registration of the establishment of maternity, - in case of registration of the establishment of maternity in respect of a person of full age
The time when the document is 2 days from the date of filing of the application, and, if requested, information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations-1 month
The fee for registration of establishment of maternity will not be charged.
The validity of the document is undated
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
26.04.2010, № 200
Procedure 5.5.
Death registration
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. passport or other identity document of the deceased (if any) and the applicant (with the exception of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship applying for refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus, and foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship who have been granted subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus);
3. evidence of the deceased (if any) and the applicant of registration of application for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection in the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens and persons without citizenship applying for refugee status or additional protection in the Republic of Belarus;
4. medical certificate of death (stillbirth) or a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of death or declaring a citizen dead;
5. the document is a specialized organization that carried out the burial of the deceased - in case of registration of death place of burial of the deceased;
6. the identity card of the deceased in case of death registration of soldiers.
The period of issuing of the document – on the day of submission of the application, and if requested documents and (or) information from other state bodies, other organizations - 1 month
The fee for the registration of death will not be charged.
The validity of the document is undated
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.6
The registration of divorce by court decisions entered into legal force until 1 September 1999
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. passport or other identity document of the applicant;
3. copy of the judgment of divorce, entered into force before 1 September 1999;
4. the document confirming the payment.
The time when the document is 2 days from the date of filing of the application, and, if requested, information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations – 1 month.
The fees charged for the registration of divorce, including the issuance of a certificate - 2 base units.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.6'
The registration of divorce by mutual consent of the spouses having General minor children, and the dispute about the property (in accordance with article 35 of the' Code of Belarus on marriage and the family)
Documents provided by the citizen:
5. joint statement of the spouses;
6. passports or other identity documents of the spouses;
7. the statement of one of spouses on the registration of divorce in his absence – in case of impossibility to appear in the Registrar's office for registration of divorce;
8. a certificate of marriage;
9. the document confirming the payment.
The period of issuing of the document – agreed with the couple the day, but not earlier than 1 month and not later than 2 months from the date of application.
The fees charged for registration of dissolution of marriage - the 4 basic values.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.7
Registration of adoption
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other identity document of the adopter (adopters);
3. birth certificate of the child;
4. a copy of the court decision on adoption.
The time when the document is 2 days from the date of filing of the application, and, if requested, information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations – 1 month.
The fee for the registration of adoption will not be charged.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.8
Registration of change of name, own name, patronymic
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other identity document;
3. two photographs of the applicant measuring 30 x 40 mm;
4. certificate of registration of acts of civil status, to be replaced in connection with the registration of change of name, own name, patronymic;
5. copies of literary works, articles, notes – in case of the Declaration of intention to use the name, own name in accordance with the literary pseudonym;
6. documents confirming motivation (with the exception of documents issued by the Registrar's office of the Republic of Belarus), in the case of requests to carry the name, first name, middle name, distinct from the data upon registration of a birth, for reasons not specified above;
7. the document confirming the payment (subject to the issuance of the corresponding certificate).
The time when the document is 2 months from the date of submission of the application.
y;"> The fees charged for the registration of change of name, own name, patronymic, including the issuance of a certificate - 2 base units.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.9
Re-issuance of certificates of registration of civil status act
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other document proving the identity;
3. a document confirming the change of surname or other data of the citizen, - in case of their change;
4. the document confirming the payment.
The time when the document is 7 days from the date of submission of the application upon the records of civil status, and in the absence of such record is 1 month.
The fees charged for the issuance of repeated certificates on registration of civil status - 1 base amount.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
26.04.2010, № 200
Procedure 5.10.
Changes, additions and corrections in records of acts of civil status
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other document proving the identity;
3. the document proving the identity, with a record of nationality – in case of change of nationality in the records of acts of civil status;
4. a copy of the court decision in case of changes, additions and corrections in records of acts of civil status on the basis of a court decision;
5. the decision of bodies of guardianship and guardianship, the competent authority of the foreign state – in case of change of name of minors;
6. documents proving the facts that are the basis for bug fixes, changes and additions to entries of civil status (employment history, pension certificate, medical certificate about state of health, military documents, documents on education, on baptism, etc.);
7. certificate of registration of acts of civil status, to be replaced in connection with changes in the recording of acts of civil status;
8. the document confirming the payment
The period of issuing of the document - 10 days from the day of application - in considering applications for amendments, additions and corrections in records of acts of civil status that does not require additional checks, and if necessary the additional review, request for information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations – 3 months.
The fees charged for issuing certificate in connection with the amendments, corrections and additions to entries of civil status – 1 base amount.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.11
Restoration of entries of acts of civil status
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other document proving the identity;
3. a copy of the court decision establishing the fact of registration of civil status act;
4. the document confirming the payment
The period of issuing of the document – 10 days from the date of application.
The fees charged for issuing certificate in connection with the restoration of entries of acts of civil status - 1 base amount.
The validity of the document indefinitely.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.12
Annulment of records of acts of civil status
Documents provided by the citizen:
5. statement;
6. a passport or other document proving the identity;
7. copy of the judgment;
8. registration certificate of civil status, issued on the basis of invalidation of the act of civil status.
The period of issuing of the document – 10 days from the date of application.
Fee for cancellation of the records of acts of civil status will not be charged.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.13.
Issuance of certificates of birth, death
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. a passport or other document proving the identity.
The period of issuing of the document – in the same day, but not earlier than the date of registration of birth, death.
The fee for issuance of a certificate will not be charged.
The expiration date of the certificate for an indefinite period.
from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
from 26.04.2010 № 200
Procedure 5.14.
Issuance of certificates containing information from the records of acts of civil status (the record of civil status, the lack of record of the certificate of marriage), and a notification of no record antaragange state
Documents provided by the citizen:
1. statement;
2. a passport or other document proving the identity;
3. a document confirming the change of surname or other data of the citizen, - in case they change.
Department the registry office of the Gomel city Executive Committee exercises the right of citizens ready reference on the basis of telephone applications with the subsequent issuance of a document for personal reference of the applicant.
The period of issuance is 3 days from the date of submission of the application upon the records of civil status, when the need for a special inspection - 15 days, and in the absence of such record of 1 month.
The fee for issuance of a certificate will not be charged.
The validity is 1 year.
Extract from the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus
No. 498 dated 15.10.2007
"On additional measures to work
with citizens and legal entities"
Claim 1.1. The treatment (proposals, applications, complaints) citizens, including individual entrepreneurs and legal persons (hereinafter, unless otherwise specified - treatment), regardless of which public Agency or other organization they have been initially subject to review on the merits in accordance with the competence:
local Executive and administrative organs subordinate (accountable) they are organizations, territorial divisions (bodies) and the organizations subordinated (accountable) Republican state administration bodies and state organizations subordinated to the Government, other state bodies, other organizations operating and located within the administrative-territorial unit on the territory of which arose the issues outlined in the appeals (hereinafter local governments).
other state bodies, other organizations, if the issues outlined in the appeals fall within the exclusive competence of those bodies or organizations.
P. 1.3. The organization decision to appeal may be appealed to the superior in relation to it in accordance with its subordination (accountability) the state body, other organization (hereinafter - the parent body). Information about the name, location and mode of operation of the parent bodies is posted on the Bulletin boards of the House of Civil ceremonies in a public place.
If you appeal against the decision of the state body, other organization, subordinate (accountable) directly to the President of the Republic of Belarus, appropriate treatment can be considered on behalf of the President of the Republic of Belarus Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus in the manner prescribed in sub-clause 1.4. of this paragraph to the parent body.
The decision of the superior authority on appeal may be appealed in court.
Claim 2. To approve the enclosed list of state bodies, other organizations, responsible for considering appeals on the merits in certain spheres of life of the population (further - the list).
Appeals are subject to review on the merits in the listed local authorities if the stated issues are relevant spheres of life of the population.
The decisions of these local bodies on appeals can be appealed to the listed relevant higher authorities.
Extract from the List of state bodies, other organizations, responsible for considering appeals on the merits in certain spheres of life of the population.
In the justice sector, including registration of acts of civil status is carried out of village, city (cities of regional subordination) Executive committees; departments the registry office of the local district administrations of cities; civil registry offices of the district Executive committees; departments the registry office, the Houses (Palaces) of civil ceremonies city Executive committees (in cities of regional subordination).
Control over the implementation of this activities realize the main directorates, directorates (departments) of justice of regional, Minsk city Executive committees; the Ministry of justice.
The complaints of citizens on the tactless behavior of workers of departments the registry office and civil ceremonies at Home and complaints on registration of acts of civil status shall be referred to the Main Department of justice of Homel regional Executive Committee.