COOP "RSTs Gomel"
(CUE "Gomel RSTs")
246050, Gomel, Sovetskaya str., 21A-2
telephone reception 55-03-75
Director: Tkacheva Olga Viktorovna, phone: 55-03-70
Deputy Director: Chechov Anton Nikolaevich, phone: 30-39-26Chief accountant: Tabulina Elena Vladimirovna, phone: 30-16-95
COOP "RSTs Gomel" is an independent economic entity on the basis of communal property.
The property of the enterprise belongs by the right of ownership to the city of Gomel, the disposal of which in accordance with legislation performs the Gomel city Council of deputies.
The founder of the company is of the Gomel city Executive Committee.
The company is included into structure of municipal production unitary enterprise "Gomel city housing and communal services". The enterprise consists of 9 settlement and resource centers.
The subject of activity is rendering of services for accounting, calculation and accrual of payments for housing and utilities and other services, presenting them to the paying population, recovered from the population debt for housing and utilities services, the provision of other services to the population and economic entities.
Phones of hot lines of the cue "Gomel RSTs
Admission schedule on personal issues in COOP "RSTs Gomel"
Administrative procedures carried out by the municipal unitary enterprise "RIC Gomel"
Schedule COOP "Design resource center of Gomel"