Youth Council
17 may 2019 in the Central city library named.And.And.Herzen held the final stage of the campaign for the selection of candidates to the Youth Council at Gomel regional Council of deputies. It was attended by 18 young Gomel: initiative, creative, seeking to be useful to society, indifferent to the fate of their region and country.
The event was held in the format of meetings of representatives of the Gomel city Council of deputies and the Gomel city Executive Committee, in charge of youth policy, with the candidates for membership in the Youth Council at Gomel regional Council of deputies.
The meeting was the hearing of the candidates, study their biographies, achievements, program abstracts.
Everyone managed to submit to the Commission their innovative projects and plans for implementing the various areas of youth policy and culture, to share ideas for the development of health and sports, improvement of the demographic situation, environmental, improvement and infrastructure in the city of Gomel and more.
According to the results of selection by closed ballot, in the composition of the Youth Council at Gomel regional Council of deputies of Gomel will represent 5 people:
Brigid Elena Yurievna - student legal 9 "A" class of GUO "secondary school №25 of the city of Gomel named after B. A. Zharikova", an active participant in district and city events and activities, member of NGO "Belarusian Republican youth Union", the leader of the school Council;
- Volchek Vladislav S. - 4th year student of the medical faculty of EE "Gomel state medical University", the winner of the regional stage of the Republican youth contest "100 ideas for Belarus", member of Council of student scientific society, Chairman of scientific Association for the field of "Oncology";
- Friends Galina Romanovna - teacher-organizer of GUO "secondary school No. 1 of Gomel", the head of the first in the Republic of Belarus children of different ages volunteer group of the Belarusian voluntary fire society "Be Near Me", a member of the auditing Commission of NGO "Belarusian Republican pioneer organization", an initiator and an active participant in activities and actions at various levels;
- Izycki Daniil Alexandrovich – student of 1 course of the faculty of Economics and law at the Gomel branch of EE "Federation of trade unions of Belarus "international University "MITSO", the winner of Republican competition "Learn Belarus together," the winner of the city stage of the Republican youth contest "100 ideas for Belarus", the winner of the regional stage of the Republican contest of photographs "a land pad under white wings";
- Saddle-maker Nicholas - the first Secretary of the Central district organization of NGO "Belarusian Republican youth Union", the initiator of preventive actions and measures for healthy lifestyles and safe behaviour, oversees youth employment and employment activities of youth groups law enforcement, the volunteer movement.
Let's wish the guys success, active realization of personal potential in the development and implementation of socially significant projects and youth initiatives!
Candidates not included in the composition of the Youth Council at Gomel regional Council of deputies will be included in the composition of the Youth Council, acting at the Gomel city Executive Committee, to participate in the implementation of urban programs in the framework of the activities of this Advisory body.
The regulation on the Youth Council and delegate questionnaire the composition of the Youth Council at Gomel regional Council of deputies here
Additional information by phone: 75 63 97; 75 70 61.
The SITUATION of the Youth Council of the Gomel city Executive Committee (see here)
The first Youth Council at the Gomel city Executive Committee was created in 2011 in order to:
the involvement of active and talented young people in the decision socially-economic problems of the city of Gomel;
the formation and strengthening of positive image of youth in the city of Gomel, bodies of state governance among the youth and the population in the city of Gomel;
search for promising young people for inclusion in the personnel reserve of the Executive Committee.
The decision of the Gomel city Executive Committee of 25 February 2016 No. 202 approved the Regulation on the Youth Council, which reglamentary the order of its activities.
Currently the third part of the Youth Council (see here)
Youth Council – an Advisory body to the Gomel city Executive Committee, which functions on a voluntary basis and, on the one hand, is an effective form of youth communication with city management, on the other hand, the mechanism of cooperation of state bodies with youth.
justify;"> The youth Council is formed on a competitive basis from young people aged 18 to 31 years who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus, permanently residing in Gomel.
The formation of the Council is preceded by the carrying out of city competition "the Government is for young people". The competition is open and conducted on the basis of written works of participants of competition.
Written work is a project aimed at solving urgent tasks in one of the following areas: Economics, transport, environment, education, health, information technology, sport and tourism, architecture, construction, youth policy, culture, etc.
The competition is held in 2 stages – part-time (submission and consideration by competition Commission) and the public defense of their project.
In the end, members of the Youth Council be the winners of the aforementioned competition, and also the most active representatives of youth public organizations of Gomel.
The quantitative composition of the Council of the third convocation – 21 participants – representatives of educational institutions, enterprises, organizations of Gomel city youth public organizations.
According to the Regulation, the term of office of the Board is 2 years.
After the expiration of the term of office of the Council 3 convocation will once again be declared an open city competition "the Government is for young people".