To help young professional
The labour code of the Republic of Belarus of 26 July 1999 No. 296-Z
Code of the Republic of Belarus on education of 13 January 2011 No. 243-Z
The law of the Republic of Belarus of 15 June 2006, No. 125-Z
"On employment of population of the Republic of Belarus"
The decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 6 January 2012, No. 13
"On some issues of providing state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises"
The decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from June 1, 2007 № 254
"About increase of tariff rates (salaries) for certain categories of workers"
The decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus from November 27, 2000 № 631
"About additional measures on increase of wages and provision of preferential loans to certain categories of citizens"
The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 22, 2011 № 821
"About some questions of distribution, redistribution, assignment, the subsequent assignment of graduates, reimbursement of expended government funds for their training and target training of specialists, workers and employees"
The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 19 December 2006 No. 1681
"On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of first job graduates of public institutions of education, persons with special needs, soldiers of urgent military service, discharged from the Armed Forces or other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus, as well as citizens, dismissed from alternative service"
The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 29, 2006, No. 1595
"On approval of the Regulations on the procedure of establishment of reservation for admission to employment of the citizens especially needing social protection and not capable on equal terms to compete on the labour market"