Institutions of preschool education
In the city of Gomel there are 127 institutions implementing educational programs of preschool education (123 establishments of preschool education 4 educational and pedagogical complex kindergarten - school), including 5 preschool centers child development, 7 special pre-school institutions, 6 health institutions, with a total coverage of 22 977 pupils.
In December 2017 in the Central area of Gomel openly state educational institution "kindergarten No. 100 in the city of Gomel" for 60 seats.
Organized transportation of children with special flights "Parent route" of the neighborhood-buildings №№ 16,17,18,19 preschool education "Art. Airfield" and the Central part of the city, near No. 104, 96, 94 in preschool education of the Soviet area.
Different forms of preschool education on the implementation of curriculum for preschool education on a paid basis in the city of Gomel covered 1847 children (258 groups of short-stay).
Pre-school education within the jurisdiction of the education Department of the Gomel city Executive Committee
State educational establishment "Nursery-kindergarten n. 141 the city of Gomel"
246049, Gomel, melezha St, 8
(0232) 48 96 22
Head - Stepanova Elena