Medical institutions
State health Agency "Gomel city clinical hospital of emergency medical aid"
(street Komissarova 13)
Each of the 75-65-35
Er 70-16-97
State health Agency "Gomel city clinical hospital №1"
(St. N. Dvornikov 80)
Each of the 63 36 99
Er 63 36 86
State health Agency "Gomel city clinical hospital №2"
(St. Medical 7)
Each of the 32 28 09
Er 32 28 72
State health Agency "Gomel city clinical hospital №3"
(street of Ilyich 286)
Each of the 39-49-78
Er 37 76 92
State health Agency "Gomel city clinical hospital № 4" (goose GGCB No. 4)
(district Kostyukovka, St. Belyaev, 2 )
Each of the 97-15-72
Er 97-04-38
State healthcare institution "Gomel Central city clinic" (goose GCGP)
(ul anniversary 7a)
Each of the 58-10-47
Registry 53-06-46, 53-06-45
"Hotline": 58-41-25 (from 9.00 to 17.00 on working days, lunch from 13.00 to 14.00)
State healthcare institution "Gomel Central city clinic" informs that with the purpose of ensuring availability of medical care to the population of the city of Gomel and Gomel district, in the mode of operation of outpatient facilities in 2018 is adapted to the needs of the population:
branches SME "Gomel Central city clinic"
Working hours: 07.00 – 20.00; registration of house calls: 07.30 – 19.00
Saturday: 08.00 – 14.00; Receiving house calls: 08.00 – 13.00
Sundays and holidays: weekend
branches SME "Gomel Central city children's polyclinic"
Working hours: 07.30 – 20.00; registration of house calls: 08.00 – 16.00
Saturday: 08.00 – 14.00; Receiving house calls: 08.00 – 12.00
Sundays and holidays: weekend
Online appointments to branches of SME "Gomel Central city clinic" is carried out through the official website of SME "Gomel Central city clinic", website address
In the section "the doctor" registries subordinate clinics are laid out e-coupons for the Internet records to doctors of clinics, including subspecialties.
If You failed to register, You can apply for registration with the passport to the Registrar of branch SME "Gomel Central city clinic" at the place of residence.
Information on the work, structure, contact telephone numbers of subordinate institutions located in the section "Institutions".
In connection with numerous appeals on the issue of discharge medicines on the website of the institution allocated to the heading "provision of Medicines". Website visitors can check your preferential provision of medicines, the list of medicines sold without a doctor's prescription, as well as other regulations under this section.
Administration GUZ "GCGP"
Branch № 1 GUZ GCGP
(ul Kosareva 11)
Each of the 43 52 98
Registry 43 57 60; 43 40 44 (women's consultation)
Branch No. 2 goose GCGP
(street Bochkina 182а)
Each of the 42-10-27
Registry 42-84-90, 42-84-93
Branch No. 2 goose GCGP
(street 8-I non-resident, 1A)
Registry 29 32 72
Branch № 3 GUZ GCGP
(str Ogarenko 3)
Each of the 61 96 79
Registry 61-01-02, 61-01-04
Branch № 4, GUZ GCGP
(Landysheva str., 17)
Each of the 60 94 09
Registry 60 90 80, 60 90 81, 60 91 38, 23 25 13
Branch № 5 goose GCGP
(St. Bykhovskaya 106)
Each of the 40-17-65
Registry 40-82-99, 40-77-99
Branch № 6 goose GCGP
(St. N. Poleska 11)
Each of the 27 75 38
Registry 55 90 09, 55 90 05, 31 58 70
Branch No. 7 goose GCGP
(street worker 24)
Each of the 63 38 35
Registry 63 38 31, 38 30 63
Branch No. 8 goose GCGP
(Bogdanova str. 12 K. 2)
Each of the 63-36-42
Registry 63 25 85, 63 14 86, 59 38 71
Branch № 9 goose GCGP
(St. Clermont-Ferrand 2)
Each of the 40-84-54
Registry 40-79-95, 40-76-82
Branch No. 10 goose GCGP
(Komsomolskaya str 4 )
Each of the 34 51 45
The registry 34 51 33, 51 34 31
Branch № 11 goose GCGP
(RP Kostyukovka street Beljaeva 2)
Each of the 97-02-38
Registry 97-03-38
Branch No. 12 goose GCGP
(Kotovsky 56)
Each of the 32 93 88
Registry 23 41 21, 22 28 95
State health Agency "Gomel city polyclinic № 1" (goose GGP No. 1)
(street of Ilyich 286 a)
Each of the 37-78-05
Registry 39 36 74, 73 11 66
Branch № 1 of the state health care institution "Gomel city polyclinic № 1"
(street of Ilyich 98 a)
Each of the 36-04-68
Registry 36-30-31, 37-06-28
CUE "Gomel polyclinic № 7"
(St. Pedchenko 10 a )
Each of the 75 57 77
Registry 75 77 59, 75 77 87, 75 02 04
State healthcare institution "Gomel Central city children's clinic" (goose GRGDP)
(Mazurova str., 10B Landysheva str 22)
Each of the 10 53 31, 53 10 34
Registry 17 74 60, 60 12 40 (Landysheva str, 22)
Branch № 1 GUZ GGDP
(22 Pine street)
Each of the 31 18 93
Registry 31 17 56, 31 19 56, 21 35 30
Branch No. 2 goose GGDP
(international building 6 )
Each of the 36-13-31
Registry 33 01 53, 33 01 63
Branch № 3 GUZ GGDP
(St. Bykhovskaya 108)
Each of the 40 20 29
Registry 40 13 14, 40 60 43, 40 10 77
Branch № 4, GUZ GGDP
(street Bogdanova )
Each of the 63 36 59
Registry 20 07 63, 63 85 89
le="color: #333333; background: none 0% 0% repeat scroll white; text-align: justify;">
Branch №5 goose PCGDP
(Sviridov St. 9)
Each of the 61 00 69
Registry 05 61 52 61 61 40 00 05 57
Branch № 6 goose GGDP
(Victory street, 6)
Each of the 33 20 52
Registry 33 20 76; 33 20 46, 20 98 43 (OTDELENIE Kotovskogo str)
State healthcare institution "Gomel Central city dental clinic" (goose GSGZP )
(St. Clermont-Ferrand 5 )
El. email:
Each of the 40-84-09
Registry 40-84-08
Branch № 1 GUZ GSGZP
(Krestyanskaya street 21)
El. email:
Each of the 35-00-26
Registry 35-00-31
Branch No. 2 goose GSGZP
(45 Sovetskaya street)
El. email:
Each of the 33-53-64
Registry 33-53-46,33-53-47
Branch № 3 GUZ GSGZP
(street of Ilyich 43)
El. email:
Each of the 23 37 08
Registry 53 12 74, 37 52 89
Branch № 4, GUZ GSGZP
(St. B. Charikova 48)
El. email:
Each of the 26-56-00
Registry 27-46-16
Branch № 5 goose GSGZP
(Sviridov St. 9)
El. email:
Each of the 61-01-88
Registry 61-02-10, 61-01-80
3rd treatment-and-prophylactic Department of a goose
"Gomel Central city dental clinic"
(street Mazurova 26)
Each of the 78-96-28
Registry 72-48-99
COOP "Carpool ambulance and medical assistance"
(Podgornaya 35)
Shipping and transportation of ambulatory patients on the territory of the Republic of Belarus (paid service) </p>
phone 34-80-57