
Belarusian manufacturer of agricultural machines Gomselmash outlines this year's plans

The Belarusian manufacturer of agricultural machines OAO Gomselmash intends to step up sales in southern Africa and on traditional markets in addition to upgrading a number of product models and redesigning manufacturing processes, BelTA learned from the company's Director General Aleksandr Novikov at a dealership conference in Gomel.

The executive said that despite external difficulties and the geopolitical situation the company's performance was decent in 2021. The output grew by 130% while the export growth rate demonstrated a similar increase. The foreign currency earnings growth rate totaled 160%. “It indicates that our buyers and consumers trust us and await our products, are ready to make payments in advance. Dealers mention it during today's conference, too,” Aleksandr Novikov stressed.

Speaking about the pace of export development, the executive explained that the backlog of orders for the year 2022 is full. “The demand is so high that we have to think about ways to increase the output in order to satisfy all the purchase orders. We are now receiving payments in advance for the vehicles we are going to make in H2 2022,” he said.

Gomselmash works with partners from over 30 countries. Work is constantly in progress to expand cooperation horizons. “Last year we did quite well on the Ukrainian market, which used to be a traditional market for the company. However, we sold virtually no machines in Ukraine in the last 7-8 years because that market was dominated by imports. In 2021 we sold 84 units of equipment to Ukrainian farmers. We intend to increase deliveries by at least 130% in 2022. Many deals are being sealed now. Once all the export lending procedures are completed, I think the figures will be considerably larger,” Aleksandr Novikov stressed.

Gomselmash continues solidifying its position in southern Africa. A batch of more powerful Gomselmash GS812 PROFI harvesters is being prepared for shipment to Zimbabwe. “We are also working on other African markets. Those are Malawi, Nigeria where there is also interest in Gomselmash products,” the CEO said.

The modernization of manufacturing and of previously made vehicles and machines is this year's theme. The new lineup of vehicles is supposed to be presented on the market in 2023-2024. “I think in 2023 we will make a pilot batch of the universal agricultural machine MS-350 of the 7th or 8th drawbar category, which can handle a broader range of mounted tools,” the executive explained.

Gomselmash is busy making vehicles and agricultural machines in winter. It will allow Belarusian farmers to prepare for the harvesting campaign in time.

Raising the output of self-propelled vehicles up to 3,000 units is one of the key manufacturing goals for the year 2022. Consumers have partially or fully paid for about 500 of them already. Gomselmash is undergoing a large-scale retooling campaign in order to up output numbers. Robots are being installed, heat insulation of the manufacturing wings is being taken care of, and new personnel are being hired.

The dealership conference gathered participants from seven countries at Gomselmash's premises on 26-27 January. Taking part in the conference are about 200 people – representatives of dealerships, partners from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Moldova, the UAE, and Georgia. Representatives of the Belarusian Industry Ministry, municipal authorities, Belarusian and Russian leasing companies, the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, and other companies and organizations are also expected to attend the conference.

Participants of the conference are expected to sum up the performance of Gomselmash's dealerships and name the best ones. Participants of the two-day forum will also visit the company's museum, an experimental manufacturing division, and other departments. A memorandum will also be prepared as a result of the forum.

BelTA – News from Belarus