
Belarusian steel mill BMZ evaluating Belarusian scrap bucket cars, slag car

GOMEL, 8 April (BelTA) – Workers of the steel mill BMZ have highly appreciated utility vehicles of Belarusian make. The company is considering buying high-tech vehicles in the future, BMZ’s press service told BelTA.

BMZ has been concerned about import substation since the very first days of its operation. The steel mill was built by Austrians and Italians. Respectively most of the equipment was imported. Even standard scrap bucket cars were of German make. The company experienced problems with their maintenance with the passage of time. Since a number of similar enterprises operate in Belarus (BelAZ, MAZ, Belshina), the Industry Ministry and BMZ’s management concluded the steel mill needs vehicles of Belarusian make. According to the source, modern Belarusian scrap bucket cars and slag cars have earned good reputation and sell well in Russia now. BMZ specialists also remark upon advantages of the Belarusian heavy haulers.

Mikhail Lemitsky is a scrap bucket car driver. He noted that the new vehicles boast improved electronics and a hydraulic braking system. Even the control panel and the change-gear lever are more convenient than those of older models. “The air conditioner works well – the driver’s cab is cold in summer and comfortable in winter. One can say that everything is manufactured well. The ride characteristics are the same, but the scrap bucket car can work reliably for an entire shift. It has to transport as much as 150 tonnes and has to demonstrate totally different reliability standards,” the driver said.

BMZ intends to buy new heavy haulers, slag cars, and dump trucks to its own specifications, which will make Belarusian vehicles even more reliable.

The public joint-stock company (OAO) BMZ, the Management Company of the holding company Belarusian Metallurgical Company (BMC), is a high-tech Belarusian metallurgical enterprise. It comprises infrastructure shops and four manufacturing divisions connected by one technological chain. The divisions focus on steel smelting, mill products, pipe products, hardware items.