
Gomselmash is increasing the production rate and stands for stability and calm

OAO Gomselmash is increasing the production rate and stands for stability and peace in society. This was discussed at the information meeting of the leadership with the staff Assembly and commissioning workshops, the correspondent of BelTA.

General Director of JSC "Gomselmash" Alexander Novikov thanked the workers of the main conveyor for the work. "I think you feel how to grow our production volumes. We now have a busy time - there are serious challenges. In June and July, we released 200 units of grain harvesters, forage for 50 plus machines. In comparison with last year volumes increased 1.5 times. These showed the plant in 2014-2015," he said.

The plans for the August, September, October and November - the release of the average 210-250 grain cars per month. "Formed the groundwork for the winter months, especially for metal, several components of complex products, in order to consistently work in this period," - said Alexander Novikov. He stressed that in connection with increase in volumes of production at the plant has numerous vacancies.

Deputy General Director on ideological work, personnel and social Affairs Alexander konopacki also noted the cohesion of the team and consolidation of forces on performance of high production tasks. "People understand what to do. Impossible controversial issues to resolve on the street. Exciting topics are discussed in a civilized way, at the negotiating table", - he stressed.

At the meeting in the Assembly routine the shop trade Union Committee briefed the team with a resolution in support of development in a calm and peaceful country, a stable future children and grandchildren. The document stated: "the team has development strategy, we feel the support of the state, we have prospects and confidence in the future. We believe that to improve their well-being, every citizen can only own labor. To achieve mutual understanding and consolidation of the society with street protests impossible. It is a road to nowhere."

The resolution was also approved to the teams in the other divisions. The document will be sent to the Ministry of industry, the Council of Ministers.

Holding "Gomselmash" is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery, included in number of leaders of the world market of harvesters and other complex agricultural machines. The company produces a range of grain and forage harvesters, Pachatkovaya and potato harvesters, mowers and other agricultural machinery. Belarusian harvesters working on the fields of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Argentina, Brazil, China, the Republic of Korea, Baltic States. The company has a wide distribution network, joint ventures and Assembly plants.