
Makei: Belarus is ready to contribute to the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine crisis

Belarus is ready to make its own contribution to the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, BelTA learned from Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei after the Russia-Ukraine peace talks on the Pripyat River ended on 28 February.

Vladimir Makei said: “The Belarus president has been monitoring the process and asking about its progress since the very start. Certainly, all the Belarusians are interested in seeing a concrete result. The Belarusian side does not dodge responsibility as some sources are trying to say. We are ready to make our own contribution to the resolution of the crisis. And we are ready to participate in the relevant process if it is acceptable and if we are asked to in order to secure a positive result.”

The official noted that the process that had begun would have been finished a long time ago had it been not for the interference of external players. “And possibly no further actions would have been required,” he said.