
Observers from the IPA CIS invited to the elections of the President of Belarus

Observers from the Interparliamentary Assembly of States - participants of CIS are invited for the election of the President of Belarus. About this BelTA have informed in a press-service MPa of the CIS.

"To the Interparliamentary Assembly of States - participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States received a letter from the National Assembly of Belarus for inviting international observers from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly participate in the monitoring of preparation and conduct of elections of the President of Belarus on 9 August. The parliaments - members of the CIS have to delegate representatives to the monitoring team that in the period from 7 to 10 August will be sent to Minsk to monitor the presidential election. International observers will visit polling stations, making their equipment information materials are to monitor the voting and summarizing the results", - told the press service.

Accreditation of international observers will be conducting the Central Commission of Belarus for elections and national referendums. Applications for accreditation are accepted until August 6.